Quoting "Timothy A. Chagnon" <tchagnon@xxxxxxxxx>: > > Tyler-- > Please add the GPL and FDL to your code and spec respectively so I can > in good conscience start importing some of that work into the project. > ... > > I'm going to start working on converting the GUI and Tyler's pygtk code > to use the new core based on Jeff's code. > I've updated http://www.tlarson.com/fireconf/spec and http://www.tlarson.com/fireconf/spec.tar.gz to include the FDL and GPL. Stuff has gotten very busy and I don't think I'll have time to work on outside projects like this one for a while. For now, feel free to use my stuff, just remember to mention me in the credits :). Hopefully in a while I'll be able to come back and put in some more time on this project. If you need help with anything else, just let me know. -Tyler