I am not sure which mailing list this belongs on but am trying this one first. If it more appropriate to put it on fedora-devel-list, then I will report it there (I just do not like cross posting). Some of this topic came up on fedora-list in an email by Mike Chambers <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx> which had the subject "Up2date graphical RFE". If appropriate, I will file a bugzilla RFE report on this. Proposal: merge redhat-config-packages and up2date into a single package. This essentially means dropping the redhat-config-packages and enhancing with additional functionality. For the most part, a lot is the needed up2date functionality is already there ... it just needs to be made to work. The --show-package-dialog can produce a gui listing of available packages. Up2date already handles source repositories in a clean way and can access via rhn, yum, apt, as well as directories (I wonder if those can be nfs mounts ... I will have to try that). I believe the real questions are: 1. Does up2date need the ability to "shuffle" cdroms on a single drive such as redhat-config-packages can do? [IMHO, maybe] 2. Does up2date need a "group" capability (similar to redhat-config-packages and anaconda)? [IMHO, no] There are a few things I have though of that need to be made to work: 1. Do not require pending updates to make --show-package-dialog [this should be renamed to something that makes more sense]. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=73715 2. Make --channel=<...> application to more options. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=109678 Right now if you do --showall, you get all packages in all channels. 3. Make --show-package-dialog a gui checkbox option. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=109723 4. Be able to specify repositories in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources which are NOT selected by default. [to be bugzilla'ed as RFE] I believe that Red Hat will need to keep up2date with RHN support for RHEL. However, I think that redhat-config-packages can go. Comments?? -- Gene