Hey fedora-config, First, congrats on Fedora Core 1! It must be quite a change for everyone involved, I hope that the Fedora project will provide a solid base for the community to work on. Now to introduce myself: I'm the developer of Morphix, a modular livecd distribution based on Debian. Nothing big, I tend to work on what I find handy to include, and sometimes hack around if I need something new. Recently, I've been working on a partitioner and on porting the datetime, keyboard and language selection tools from Fedora, together with the X configuration tool, for usage in Debian and my own distribution. More will likely follow, depending on how much spare time I'm able to sacrifice to the ease-of-use god :) I'm not sure as to how much I can help out fedora-config, as Brent has stated that their partitioner will probably be based on the current partitioning in anaconda and mine is made in C instead of Python. However, I do hope to provide improvements that would be of use to Fedora and the configuration tools, and provide new tools that might be made in the future for my humble project. Having a complete cross-distribution cross-windowmanager set of configuration tools could be a lofty long-term goal, one that would improve userexperiences on all Linux distributions and provide some consistancy to the mess this is now (I know that GST is working on the same, as I see it we shouldn't have to build everything up from scratch: RedHat/Fedora's tools are most widely known, use those as the GUI, and use GST-backends where they are useful/most well developed). Enough of my blabbing, I'll mainly be lurking on the list, and hope to provide help and code where I can. Cheers, Alex www.morphix.org