On 10/18/2012 07:29 PM, Matt Whittle wrote:
Again, someone is working on a project. They create a room and have all
the necessary windows for that project open in that room. They shut
down the computer, come back the next day, teleport to that room and
everything is ordered just like they left it.
And if someone wants to take a tutorial while learning Gimp, they could
create a "learning room" where one wall is Firefox and one is Gimp.
Wow okay I'm talking a lot. Thoughts?
Just before reading your email I finished some work. I wrote an image
editing tutorial (http://howto.nicubunu.ro/gimp-grid/ if you wonder) so
I needed:
- the image editor, to capture the screenshots;
- the file manager, to move around and upload images and other files;
- the text editor to write the tutorial and html code;
- the web browser to check my progress and results.
All of them while:
- using the IRC window to chat with the person who asked for the tutorial;
- keeping an eye on the email for important business priorities;
- get some important *personal* updated from a family member over IM.
Please help me understand how a 3D game-like interface would make my
work easier in such a scenario.
If your answer is: make a work-related room with all work apps on the
walls or make a room for each possible work scenario, then you are back
at your initial problem, long lists.
Your concept is more suited for something like a game console or a home
media player, not for a general purpose desktop system.
nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com/
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