As of the 3.6 release of the SPDX License List, we will have added markup to denote that the name in the disclaimer can be changed and still considered a match. This is a common scenario in other licenses (like the BSD family), but I don’t think we’d come across it until the work on the kernel and adding SPDX identifiers. So, yes, MIT would be the correct SPDX identifier here as of 3.6 (which will be posted in a few days). For reference, the SPDX License List matching guidelines can be found here: - see Guideline 2.1.3 specifically. Replaceable text is marked up in the master files that comprise the SPDX License List according the the XML schema and then displayed in color coded text on the website pages (see, for example, BSD-3-Clause - Of course, if anyone finds any other license text that deserves this kind of accommodation, you can always make a PR here: :) thanks, Jilayne SPDX legal team co-lead |
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