doesn't anyone of the devs know something about this? Who one else could
I ask or where can I find more information?
On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 9:16 AM, unggnu <unggnu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
afaik using 256 bit key length with aes-xts-plain results in a 128 bit aes
encryption and a 128 bit XTS key.
128-AES should be secure of course but what difference does the half XTS
key make? According to Wikipedia there is a terabyte limit which might be
lower with 128 and XTS uses two keys which might result in two 64 bit ones?
Does anyone know which impact it have or know a good source for this? I
haven't found any information which might be interesting for non crypto
256 is faster but most likely because of the less rounds of AES-128. If
there is no real difference like between AES-256 and AES-128 the keylength
of 256 would make sense for slower cpus.
Thanks in advance
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