Off Disk LUKS Header

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By googling I found a lot of mention of backing up a LUKS header with a
simple dd command (ie dd if=/dev/hda2 of=luksheader count=1032), as well as
discussions on plausible deniability issues because of the existence of the
header.  This presented me with two questions:

1.  According to it
seems like it should be easy for a user who has legitimate access (ie his
own password) to the LUKS device to backup the header, that way, when his
key is revoked he can simply put the old header back to regain access.
Wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose of key management / password
revocation?  How do you avoid this?

2.  I know that that same LUKS FAQ page warns severely against managing your
own header file, as it is very hard to keep it off of managed magnetic
medium and maintain control of the physical token, but given proper care it
seems like this could effectively solve the plausible deniability problem as
well as, potentially, header backups.  I, however, don't see any easy way to
create this system right now.  Is there a way to use the luksFormat to
output the header to a file or something?  (Is this what the --key-file is
for?  It kind of seems like this uses a pre-existing key, and does not
create a new header...)  In other words I would like to call luksFormat, but
rather than prepend the header to the beginnning of the device it puts it
somewhere user specified (preferably piped through gpg).  Then I can reopen
the device via something like "gpg --decrypt ./root-key.gpg 2>/dev/null |
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdx7 root" (as mentioned on the FAQ) and entering a
password (while still up to 8 passwords work).  Should I just create a LUKS
device like I normally would then manually wipe the header (before backing
it up)?  That seems tedious, insecure, and unnecessary, especially if piping
a luksHeader to cryptsetup will already allow it to open a device.

I apologize if this is a newbish question, I just didn't find any tutorials
on how to do it right off...



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