Hello, I'm creating image files using dd and associating them with a loop device with losetup (no crypto so far). Then I use cryptsetup on the loop device. Since the image files are rather large (+/- 35Gb), using plain dd takes a long time (dd if=/dev/zero of=/image.img ...) and renders the machine quite useless during that time. I then tried creating a sparse file instead and it was much faster and seems to be working well. Are there any bad security implications in using a sparse file instead of a "full" file, considering I was filling it with zeroes to begin with? --------------------------------------------------------------------- dm-crypt mailing list - http://www.saout.de/misc/dm-crypt/ To unsubscribe, e-mail: dm-crypt-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: dm-crypt-help@xxxxxxxx