Hey folks, I'm sharing the notes from our regular meeting that was held yesterday. We continued discussion around several topics: System DT, how to work with a new/shared repo for DT data and runtime identification of DT. More details about the meeting etc. at the end. Attendees ========= SteveM - Arm ArndB - Linaro BenjaminG - ST MarkB - Arm MathieuP - Linaro SaravanaK - Google StefanoS - Xilinx TomasE - Xilinx VincentG - Linaro WarnerL - Netflix BillF - Linaro Notes ===== 1. Some discussion ongoing on the system-dt list a. https://lists.openampproject.org/mailman/listinfo/system-dt b. Thanks to Rob and Stefano. More people pitching in would be welcome. c. RH: Have some concerns on progress. Think we need to look more at the big picture. Also more discussion with more than one user perspective. 2. Arnd looking at prototype for using external DT repo a. AB: Removing the Device Tree files from the kernel and using the kernel makefiles to build the external files as if they were internal doesn’t seem very appealing. b. RH: Can see why not from a distro point of view, but keeps the same workflow for developers. c. AB: Need to find some way to synchronise the checkout of two git trees. Almost the same as building them separately. d. RH: May mean it needs to be a submodule. e. AB: Adding submodule to the kernel would be controversial. f. WL: Also sub trees and sub repos which get you the same thing without being ‘submodules’. BSD is looking at these. g. SM: Arnd - are you happy to look at these options h. AB: Yes 3. Alexandre making progress on runtime ID - see DTE-18 and DTE-19 in Linaro's Jira a. SM: Next step is adding some checksums on the nodes to see what has changed since the DTB was compiled. ST interested in this for their own sanity checking. 4. Quick status update on System Devicetree a. SS: Happy to get feedback from Rob. Last example sent to the list is the one I’ve been testing on - removing all the experimental ideas. b. BG: Can you share the code you’re changing in the kernel - not just the bindings. c. SS: I’ll check with Bruce and make sure we share an update on the tool that understands the bindings. 5. AB: Wil have a look at the git logs for who is committing on MIPS or PPC 6. AOB 1. SK: Are all the discussions on the DT mailing list. 2. SM: 3 lists in play at the moment: dte-all@xxxxxxxxxx, devicetree-spec list, system-dt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3. SS: Once we agree on the general aspects of the key pieces we can move to the other one (the -spec list) 7. Next meeting? 18th December - very close to Christmas 8. Will send out a summary of the meeting notes Background information about DTE ================================ Linaro engineers are working on a range of initiatives in the DT space, collected together as a project called Device Tree Evolution (DTE). We hold a discussion call every second Wednesday at 1700 GMT / 1200 EST / 0900 PST. If you would like to be invited, please ask me (Steve McIntyre). This is a summary of the notes from the most recent meeting. I aim to tidy up and post the meeting notes shortly after each meeting. The raw notes are published at https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRVDrVFWjIOascqZFCO--T8pIqyFB_MDh9cvgyoqhI6Y0tqaA9TcCcvQhcmxi5IY7CG44JfIrCdAUDL/pub For more information about DTE, see: * https://www.linaro.org/engineering/core/devicetree-evolution/ * https://www.linaro.org/assets/pdf/Linaro-White-Paper--Device-Tree-Evolution.pdf Cheers, -- Steve McIntyre steve.mcintyre@xxxxxxxxxx <http://www.linaro.org/> Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs