Hey folks, I'm sharing the notes from our regular meeting that was held yesterday. We had updates around several topics System DT, how to work with a new/shared repo for DT data and runtime identification of DT. More details about the meeting etc. at the end. Attendees ========= SteveM - Arm BenjaminG - ST BruceA - Xilinx GrantL - Arm MathieuP - Linaro StefanoS - Xilinx TomasE - Xilinx LoicP - ST RobH - Arm ArndB - Linaro TrikokS - Qualcomm VincentG - Linaro SaravanaK - Google Notes ===== 1. AB: no progress on the separate repo prototype, finishing on other projects 2. SM: Alexandre making slow but steady progress on DTE-18 a. discussing it in the ticket and also in IRC with Rob 3. BG/SS: System DT - design discussion ongoing a. which top-level nodes are affected by the System DT design? b. software domain nodes not written in the bindings yet c. hoping to get updates out soon after Christmas 4. SM: Hoping to get work started on the DTB lifecycle project soon. LEDGE folks really interested 5. TS: How are we getting on with the separate DT repo? a. Hoping to convince people still, hoping the prototype will help b. Qualcomm are managing DTs separately with Android, and it's been working OK for them for over a year now. c. We're keen to make sure we don't annoy Linux people, particularly the non-DT users! 6. TS: interest in how to manage memory nodes and access controls with VMs via System DT? a. Looking at different memory ranges for each domain b. Wanting to move Xen over to using System DT too, but still a few missing nodes from the domains c. Any patches in progress for things like SMMU? c. Yes - Stefano will share (and on the list too!) 7. TE - update on the DT RTOS support (DTE- a. talking with Kumar about this b. Wider discussions planned in January to get project going c. 3 key things to work on 1. common reader (lopper/libfdt/python) 2. what do RTOSen need from DT? (often maybe different to Linux needs) 3. generation code - building up a set of #defines etc. to meet the needs of Zephyr 8. Admin: 1st January would be the next meeting, but cancelled due to holiday. Next meeting 15th January Background information about DTE ================================ Linaro engineers are working on a range of initiatives in the DT space, collected together as a project called Device Tree Evolution (DTE). We hold a discussion call every second Wednesday at 1700 GMT / 1200 EST / 0900 PST. If you would like to be invited, please ask me (Steve McIntyre). This is a summary of the notes from the most recent meeting. I aim to tidy up and post the meeting notes shortly after each meeting. The raw notes are published at https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRVDrVFWjIOascqZFCO--T8pIqyFB_MDh9cvgyoqhI6Y0tqaA9TcCcvQhcmxi5IY7CG44JfIrCdAUDL/pub For more information about DTE, see: * https://www.linaro.org/engineering/core/devicetree-evolution/ * https://www.linaro.org/assets/pdf/Linaro-White-Paper--Device-Tree-Evolution.pdf Cheers, -- Steve McIntyre steve.mcintyre@xxxxxxxxxx <http://www.linaro.org/> Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs