Re: Kubuntu 7.10 64bit

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Seems I´m stuck with this :-(
Root encryption with partition table works fine but the initial ramdisk for partition-free encryption throws an error message pointing to line 34 of loopcrypt.

> /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/loopcrypt (changed)
> ---
> #!/bin/bash 
> # bash instead of sh/dash!
> PREREQ="udev" 
> HD="/dev/sda" #root partition
> prereqs() 
> { 
>     echo "$PREREQ" 
> } 
> case "$1" in 
>     prereqs) 
>         prereqs 
>         exit 0 
>         ;; 
> esac 
> echo "Waiting for crypted root device..." 
> slumber=1800 
> while [ ${slumber} -gt 0 -a ! -e "$HD" ]; do 
>     /bin/sleep 0.1 
>         slumber=$(( ${slumber} - 1 )) 
> done 
> TEST=1
> while [ 0 != $TEST ] ; do
>   echo "password:"
>   read -s PASS # gpg can't read the passphrase itself ....

This here is suspicious to me:
   PLAIN=$(cat "/upscript.gpg" | gpg --decrypt --no-tty --quiet --passphrase-fd 8 8<<<"$PASS")

How many < are supposed to be there? 1, 2, 3 or even more? Running this script/passage alone should de-crypt my key but it fails all the time to do so. I´ll take a deeper look into the manuals. Maybe I´ll find out by myself. Hope so.

Kind regards
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