Re: Kubuntu 7.10 64bit

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Am Sat, 19 Jan 2008 20:09:11 +0100
schrieb Peter_22@xxxxxx:

> *Update*
> Fine, I did as you said. I re-installed Kubuntu 7.10 64bit, installed
> loop-aes-utils, created your 3 scripts and built a new initrd. After
> copying the files on stick I rebooted but no pass phrase was asked.
What happened instead?
Without error messages, it's difficult to guess...
perhaps, you simply forgot to make the scripts executable (chmod
u+x ...) ? I forgot to mention it explicitly. 
You can test the startup script without root-encryption. It's easier
this way. Leave the root partition unencrytped/decrypt it, and also
leave your fstab and syslinux.cfg-file like in the unencrypted case.
But, remove the 'quiet' option from syslinux.cfg to see all
(error-)messages during startup. 
However, add the the scripts to /etc/initramfs-tools/* nevertheless.
Change just some lines to avoid endless loops and get all the

instead of:

while [ 0 != $TEST ] ; do
   losetup -e AES256 -K /root.gpg -G / /dev/loop6 "$HD" 
   # or losetup -e  SERPENT128 -K /root.gpg -G / /dev/loop0 "$HD"
   # or whatever 


write something like:

echo "input"
read TEST # press RETURN first
for I in 1 2 3 4; do
   losetup -e AES256 -K /root.gpg -G / /dev/loop6 "$HD" 
   if [ 0 = $? ]; then
     echo "ok!"
     read TEST
echo "end"
read TEST  # press RETURN again

Now, you should see at least some error messages.
After booting, you can ensure, that your "encrypted" root device has
been setup in the correct way with 'losetup -a'.  Of course, you still
use the unencrypted device (be careful, you can corrupt your
file-ssystem by writing something to /dev/loop6 ) 
If the password prompt works fine and your root partition is mapped
to /dev/loopX correctly, you can  change fstab and syslinux.cfg and
encrypt your root-partition...


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