Bernhard Stoevesandt wrote: > sorry, no. They are tehre alright! > > brw-rw---- 1 root disk 7, 2 Mär 23 2002 /dev/loop2 > brw-rw---- 1 root disk 7, 3 Mär 23 2002 /dev/loop3 > brw-rw---- 1 root disk 7, 4 Mär 23 2002 /dev/loop4 > brw-rw---- 1 root disk 7, 5 Mär 23 2002 /dev/loop5 > (loop2 to loop4 were the ones ...) > > any other idea? You didn't say what kernel you are running. 2.4 and older kernels need modutils to load kernel modules. 2.6 kernels need module-init-tools to load kernel modules. What does "uname -a" command say? What does "ls -l /lib/modules/*/block/loop*" command say? What does "modprobe loop" command say? If it says something like this: "modprobe: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented", then it is caused by missing module-init-tools. What does "cat /proc/devices" command say? You said you were using loop-AES-v1.7, which is pretty old. Newer kernels may need newer version of loop-AES to compile correctly. loop-AES' userland to kernel interface is binary compatible, so if you build a kernel module using latest released version of loop-AES, it should work fine with your old losetup/mount programs. -- Jari Ruusu 1024R/3A220F51 5B 4B F9 BB D3 3F 52 E9 DB 1D EB E3 24 0E A9 DD - Linux-crypto: cryptography in and on the Linux system Archive: