Hi, i running 2.4.18 with the international kernel patch one month on my laptop. I've running three vmware's at a time and all have their disk on an encrypted filesystem. I never had trouble with my crypt-fs. If you run linux on an IBM s390, do *not* use raw partitions on 4096-block dasd's. Every other scenario works well here. On Mon, 17 Jun 2002, Ilsa Gold wrote: > Hi, > > I just set up a new Debian Linux system IMHO. All runs very well. I > just wanted to set up a few new partitions for holding so data I use to > work with. Now I thought it would be cool to de-/crypt them on the fly. > I use kernel version 2.4.18. No here is my question: How stable is the > patch for this kernel found under > http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/crypto/v2.4/testing/? Could it be > seen as stable to use it in an productive environment or do I have to > bet every evening that my data is there again on the next day? ;-))) > > lot of thanks for an answer > Stefan -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Jochen Schmidt jochen.schmidt@millenux.com Millenux GmbH mobile: +49.175.5752483 Lilienthalstraße 2 phone: +49.711.88770.300 70825 Stuttgart-Korntal fax: +49.711.88770.349 -= linux without limits -=- http://linux.zSeries.org/ =- - Linux-crypto: cryptography in and on the Linux system Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-crypto/