Hi there, The Linux-crypto mailing-list is sometimes abused to transmit spam mail, which is a pity. Couldn't this list be configured so only its subscribers can post, preventing its abuse by spammers ? Well, last night 2 spams were transmitted thru Linux-crypto. The 2nd of these spams, when read in KMail 1.3.2 (KDE 2.2.2), CAUSES THE IMMEDIATE CRASH OF THE X11 SERVER. This spam mail contains some strange "escaped" code. If some KMail developper reads this list, he should take a look at this... -- Michel Bouissou <michel@bouissou.net> OpenPGP ID 0x5C2BEE8F - Linux-crypto: cryptography in and on the Linux system Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-crypto/