Thanks for all the answers.
I think there is realy no backup heartbeat channel. Maybe the reason
is GFS. DLM works on the heartbeat channel. If you lost your heartbeat
you lose your lock consistency so it is better to fence the other
node. For this reason I think if you don't have enough network
interface on server and switch, loosing the heartbeat network may shut
all the cluster members.
----- robejrm@xxxxxxxxx den ileti ---------
Tarih: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 10:42:11 +0200
Kimden: Juan Ramon Martin Blanco <robejrm@xxxxxxxxx>
Yanıt Adresi:linux clustering <linux-cluster@xxxxxxxxxx>
Konu: Re: Is there any backup heartbeat channel
Kime: linux clustering <linux-cluster@xxxxxxxxxx>
2009/8/13 Hakan VELIOGLU <veliogluh@xxxxxxxxxx>
----- raju.rajsand@xxxxxxxxx den ileti ---------
Tarih: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 08:57:15 +0530
Kimden: Rajagopal Swaminathan <raju.rajsand@xxxxxxxxx>
Yanıt Adresi:linux clustering <linux-cluster@xxxxxxxxxx>
Konu: Re: Is there any backup heartbeat channel
Kime: linux clustering <linux-cluster@xxxxxxxxxx>
2009/8/12 Hakan VELIOGLU <veliogluh@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Hi list,
I am trying a two node cluster with RH 5.3 on Sun X4150 hardware. I use a
IIRC, Sun x4150 has four ethernet ports. Two can be used for outside
networking and two can be bonded and used for heartbeat.
I think, I couldn't explain my networking. I use two ethernet ports for xen
vm which are trunk and bonded ports. Then there left two. Our network
topology (which is out of my control) available for one port for server
control (SSH).
So you can't use a bonded port for both server management and cluster
communications, can you? You can configure an active-passive bonding and
then you can have many virtual interfaces on top of that, i.e: bond0:0,
bond0:1 and assign them the ip addesses you need.
I use the other one with a cross over cable for heartbeat. So there is no
way for bonding these two interfaces. Of course if I buy an extra switch I
may do this.
You can connect them to the same switch (though you lost kind of
redundancy), or you can use two crossover cables and move the management IP
to the same ports you are using for the vm's.
I don't realy understand why there is no backup heartbeat channel. LVS and
MS cluster has this ability.
ALOM can be used for fencing and can be on a seperate subnet if required.
I used this for fencing_ipmilan.
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