The only problem you will encounter is that without a SAN you will probably have to sincronize data between the servers if your application stores data on internar discs on the servers....
Yes, this is the issue that seems to have multiple solutions. I've looked at NFS, DRBD, rysnc, and Unison, but none of these technologies has jumped out at me as the best one. Also to use an active-active (same service active on both servers) configuration + loadbalancing you will need more than 2 servers; at least 4 servers, 2 for loadbalancing (1 active/1 backup) and 2 for the critical service active concurently on both servers (no high availability, no failover).
You seem to be referring to LVS. Right, I can't implement that since I don't have enough hardware. I think that active-passive will be the way to go. When the active node dies, the passive node will take over. The data will only be as fresh as the last synchronization.
That begs the question of what happens when the active node comes back up ... will the passive node (now active) sync its data to the new active node? This is where picking a synchronization method becomes vital.
But if the active-active is for the servers (hardware), which means not the same service on high availability then; 2 servers doing loadbalancing (1 active/1 backup), 2 servers providing 2 critical services, one actice on node A and the other one active on node B (failover activated)
Well thats my understanding about Red Hat's Cluster Suite... Please correct me if I Am wrong...
Att. Filipe Miranda
On 4/20/06, Scott Kellogg <skellogg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hello,
I was wondering if I could get some assistance in setting up a two node cluster.
We have 2 Dell PowerEdge 850 machines running RHEL4. Our license for Cluster Suite is still in purchasing. The main thing in the Cluster Suite documentation which confuses me is the use of a SAN. RHEL4 docs claim that the need for a SAN has been eliminated, but I'm having trouble find more information. Most of the docs assume you are using a SAN. My customer could not afford the SAN, just the servers.
I would like to set up a high-availablity environment. I understand that due to the hardware configuration (no SAN, no RAID) that there are still points of failure. I'm hoping to set up a simple active- passive configuration. We will be running LAMP applications. If the primary server cannot deliver services, I'd like to automatically cut over to the backup.
Ideally, I'd like to set up active-active and load balancing, since the servers have DRAC4 fence devices for use with STONITH. However, since there is no SAN, I'm not sure how data will be mirrored across the two machines.
Any help is appreciated!
Thank you, Scott Kellogg
-- Att. --- Filipe T Miranda RHCE - Red Hat Certified Engineer OCP8i - Oracle Certified Professional-- Linux-cluster mailing list
-- Scott Kellogg System Administrator EG&G Technical Services, Inc. (812) 854-7077 ext. 236