Re: Deleting a pool with data

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Hi Rich,

I waited for other users/operators to chime in because it's been a while since we deleted a large pool last time in a customer cluster. I may misremember, so please take that with a grain of salt. But the pool deletion I am referring to was actually on Nautilus as well. In a small lab cluster I just did the same, trying to confirm my memories. I would not recommend to delete the objects by looping over 'rados ls'. Btw., there's a rados purge command which loops through the pool for you:

rados purge <pool-name> --yes-i-really-really-mean-it

If you delete the pool itself (ceph osd pool delete), only the OSD's DBs would have some more work to clean that up, but I believe it's the best option here. But I'd rather have that confirmed by someone else.


Zitat von Richard Bade <hitrich@xxxxxxxxx>:

Hi Everyone,
We're reducing back down from multisite to a single rgw zone. This
will mean that some pools will be unused so I'd like to delete them.
However there are some objects and data remaining in the pool even
though the buckets are all deleted. It's just shadow objects. All the
actual data has been deleted.
So my question is around performance impact of deleting a pool with
data in it. Will ceph handle things nicely or will it try remove all
that data at once?
I'm on Nautilus 14.2.22 with all bluestore osds on spinning disks with
nvme db. Pools are erasure coded k=4 m=2.
I'm thinking it might be best to do rados ls and loop through rados rm
the objects to control the speed.
There is one mailing list thread from 7 years ago basically saying the
same but I was wondering if anyone else had any input around this?

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