Re: Deleting a pool with data

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Hi Eugen and Anthony,
Thanks for your input, it's much appreciated.
I had not spotted the rados purge command so I'll file that one away
for the future.
I agree that in this case the pool delete seems like the best option
and I've done a test on our dev cluster with a pool of 2.5TB and a few
hundred thousand objects. This caused only a tiny spike in our grafana
graphs of one data point on 15sec samples.
The mons are on SSD or nvme and we don't have the autoscaler turned on
so I think we should be all good there.
I expect to be deleting these pools by the end of the month so I will
report back after I do so this thread isn't left hanging.


On Fri, 7 Mar 2025 at 01:33, Eugen Block <eblock@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Rich,
> I waited for other users/operators to chime in because it's been a
> while since we deleted a large pool last time in a customer cluster. I
> may misremember, so please take that with a grain of salt. But the
> pool deletion I am referring to was actually on Nautilus as well. In a
> small lab cluster I just did the same, trying to confirm my memories.
> I would not recommend to delete the objects by looping over 'rados
> ls'. Btw., there's a rados purge command which loops through the pool
> for you:
> rados purge <pool-name> --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
> If you delete the pool itself (ceph osd pool delete), only the OSD's
> DBs would have some more work to clean that up, but I believe it's the
> best option here. But I'd rather have that confirmed by someone else.
> Regards,
> Eugen
> Zitat von Richard Bade <hitrich@xxxxxxxxx>:
> > Hi Everyone,
> > We're reducing back down from multisite to a single rgw zone. This
> > will mean that some pools will be unused so I'd like to delete them.
> > However there are some objects and data remaining in the pool even
> > though the buckets are all deleted. It's just shadow objects. All the
> > actual data has been deleted.
> > So my question is around performance impact of deleting a pool with
> > data in it. Will ceph handle things nicely or will it try remove all
> > that data at once?
> > I'm on Nautilus 14.2.22 with all bluestore osds on spinning disks with
> > nvme db. Pools are erasure coded k=4 m=2.
> > I'm thinking it might be best to do rados ls and loop through rados rm
> > the objects to control the speed.
> > There is one mailing list thread from 7 years ago basically saying the
> > same but I was wondering if anyone else had any input around this?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Rich
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