I'm still a bit confused by the .rgw.root and the
default.rgw.{control,meta,log} pools.
I recently removed the RGW daemon I had running and the aforementioned
pools, however after a rebalance I suddenly find them again in the
output of:
$ ceph osd pool ls
Each has 8 pgs but zero usage.
I was unable to find logs or indications as to which daemon or action
recreated them or whether it is safe to remove them again, where should
I look?
I'm on Nautilus 14.2.5, container deployment.
Thank you.
Il 23/04/19 22:14, David Turner ha scritto:
You should be able to see all pools in use in a RGW zone from the
radosgw-admin command. This [1] is probably overkill for most, but I
deal with multi-realm clusters so I generally think like this when
dealing with RGW. Running this as is will create a file in your current
directory for each zone in your deployment (likely to be just one
file). My rough guess for what you would find in that file based on
your pool names would be this [2].
If you identify any pools not listed from the zone get command, then you
can rename [3] the pool to see if it is being created and/or used by rgw
currently. The process here would be to stop all RGW daemons, rename
the pools, start a RGW daemon, stop it again, and see which pools were
recreated. Clean up the pools that were freshly made and rename the
original pools back into place before starting your RGW daemons again.
Please note that .rgw.root is a required pool in every RGW deployment
and will not be listed in the zones themselves.
for realm in $(radosgw-admin realm list --format=json | jq '.realms[]'
-r); do
for zonegroup in $(radosgw-admin --rgw-realm=$realm zonegroup list
--format=json | jq '.zonegroups[]' -r); do
for zone in $(radosgw-admin --rgw-realm=$realm
--rgw-zonegroup=$zonegroup zone list --format=json | jq '.zones[]' -r); do
echo $realm.$zonegroup.$zone.json
radosgw-admin --rgw-realm=$realm --rgw-zonegroup=$zonegroup
--rgw-zone=$zone zone get > $realm.$zonegroup.$zone.json
[2] default.default.default.json
"id": "{{ UUID }}",
"name": "default",
"domain_root": "default.rgw.meta",
"control_pool": "default.rgw.control",
"gc_pool": ".rgw.gc",
"log_pool": "default.rgw.log",
"user_email_pool": ".users.email",
"user_uid_pool": ".users.uid",
"system_key": {
"placement_pools": [
"key": "default-placement",
"val": {
"index_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.index",
"data_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.data",
"data_extra_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.non-ec",
"index_type": 0,
"compression": ""
"metadata_heap": "",
"tier_config": [],
"realm_id": "{{ UUID }}"
[3] ceph osd pool rename <srcpool> <destpool>
On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 10:46 AM Brent Kennedy <bkennedy@xxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:bkennedy@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Yea, that was a cluster created during firefly...
Wish there was a good article on the naming and use of these, or
perhaps a way I could make sure they are not used before deleting
them. I know RGW will recreate anything it uses, but I don’t want
to lose data because I wanted a clean system.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory Farnum <gfarnum@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:gfarnum@xxxxxxxxxx>>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 5:37 PM
To: Brent Kennedy <bkennedy@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:bkennedy@xxxxxxxxxx>>
Cc: Ceph Users <ceph-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Default Pools
On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 1:52 PM Brent Kennedy <bkennedy@xxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:bkennedy@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> I was looking around the web for the reason for some of the
default pools in Ceph and I cant find anything concrete. Here is
our list, some show no use at all. Can any of these be deleted ( or
is there an article my googlefu failed to find that covers the
default pools?
> We only use buckets, so I took out .rgw.buckets, .users and
> .rgw.buckets.index…
> Name
> .log
> .rgw.root
> .rgw.gc
> .rgw.control
> .rgw
> .users.uid
> .users.email
> .rgw.buckets.extra
> default.rgw.control
> default.rgw.meta
> default.rgw.log
> default.rgw.buckets.non-ec
All of these are created by RGW when you run it, not by the core
Ceph system. I think they're all used (although they may report
sizes of 0, as they mostly make use of omap).
> metadata
Except this one used to be created-by-default for CephFS metadata,
but that hasn't been true in many releases. So I guess you're
looking at an old cluster? (In which case it's *possible* some of
those RGW pools are also unused now but were needed in the past; I
haven't kept good track of them.) -Greg
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