Hi Ernesto,
I just opened the Dashboard and there is no menu at the top-right. Also no "?". I have a menu at the top-left which has the following items: Cluster health, Cluster, Block and Filesystems.
Running Ceph version 12.2.8-89.
Kind regards,
Sinan PolatOp 11 oktober 2019 om 22:09 schreef Sinan Polat <sinan@xxxxxxxx>:
Hi Ernesto,Thanks for the information! I didn’t know about the existence of the REST Dashboard API. I will check that out, Thanks again!SinanHi Sinan,If it's in the Dashboard, it sure comes from the Dashboard REST API (which is an API completely unrelated to the RESTful Module).To check the Dashboard REST API, log in there and click on the top-right "?" menu, and in the dropdown, click on "API". That will lead you to the Swagger/OpenAPI spec of the Dashboard. You will likely want to explore the "/pool" and "/block" endpoints. The API page will give you ready-to-use curl commands (the only thing you'd need to renew, once expired, is the authorization token).Kind regards,On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 2:16 PM Sinan Polat <sinan@xxxxxxxx> wrote:_______________________________________________Hi,
Currently I am getting the pool statistics (especially USED/MAX AVAIL) via the command line:
ceph df -f json-pretty| jq '.pools[] | select(.name == "poolname") | .stats.max_avail'
ceph df -f json-pretty| jq '.pools[] | select(.name == "poolname") | .stats.bytes_used'
Command "ceph df" does not show the (total) size of the provisioned RBD images. It only shows the real usage.
I managed to get the total size of provisioned images using the Python rbd module https://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rbd/api/librbdpy/
Using the same Python module I also would like to get the USED/MAX AVAIL per pool. That should be possible using rbd.RBD().pool_stats_get, but unfortunately my python-rbd version doesn't support that (running 12.2.8).
So I went ahead and enabled the dashboard to see if the data is present in the dashboard and it seems it is. Next step is to enable the restful module and access this information, right? But unfortunately the restful api doesn't provide this information.
My question is, how can I access the USED/MAX AVAIL information of a pool without using the ceph command line and without upgrading my python-rbd package?
Kind regards
Sinan Polat
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