On 10/13/2017 12:36 PM, Denes Dolhay wrote:
Dear All,
First of all, this is my first post, so please be lenient :)
For the last few days I have been testing ceph, and cephfs, deploying
a PoC cluster.
I have been testing the cephfs kernel client caching, when I came
across something strange, and I cannot decide if it is a bug or I just
messed up something.
Steps given client1 and client2 both mounded the same cephfs, extra
mount option, noatime:
Client 1: watch -n 1 ls -lah /mnt/cephfs
-in tcpdump I can see that the directory is being listed once and only
once, all the following ls requests are served from the client cache
Client 2: make any modification for example append to a file, or
delete a file directly under /mnt/cephfs
-The operation is done, and client1 is informed about the change OK.
-Client1 does not seem to cache the new metadata information received
from the metadata server, now it communicates every second with the mds.
Client 1: stop watch ls... command, wait a few sec and restart it
-The communication stops, client1 serves ls data from cache
Please help, if it is intentional then why, if not, how can I debug it?
This is probably the intended behaviour. CephFS is a posix compliant
filesystem, and uses capabilities (similar to locks) to control
concurrent access to directories and files.
In your first step, a capibility for directory access is granted to
client1. As soon as client2 wants to access the directory (probably
read-only first for listing, write access later), the MDS has to check
the capability requests with client1. I'm not sure about the details,
but something similar to "write lock" should be granted to client2, and
client1 is granted a read lock or a "I have this entry in cache and need
the MDS to know it" lock. That's also the reason why client1 has to ask
the MDS every second whether its cache content is still valid. client2
probably still holds the necessary capabilities, so you might also see
some traffic between MDS and client2.
I'm not sure why client1 does not continue to ask the MDS in the last
step. Maybe the capability in client2 has expired and it was granted to
client1. Others with more insight into the details of capabilities might
be able to give you more details.
Short version: CephFS has a strict posix locking semantic implemented by
capabilities, and you need to be aware of this fact (especially if you
are used to NFS...)
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