Re: dropping filestore+btrfs testing for luminous

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On 2017-06-30T16:48:04, Sage Weil <sage@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > Simply disabling the tests while keeping the code in the distribution is
> > setting up users who happen to be using Btrfs for failure.
> I don't think we can wait *another* cycle (year) to stop testing this.
> We can, however,
>  - prominently feature this in the luminous release notes, and
>  - require the 'enable experimental unrecoverable data corrupting features =
> btrfs' in order to use it, so that users are explicitly opting in to 
> luminous+btrfs territory.
> The only good(ish) news is that we aren't touching FileStore if we can 
> help it, so it less likely to regress than other things.  And we'll 
> continue testing filestore+btrfs on jewel for some time.

That makes sense. Though btrfs is something users really shouldn't run
unless they get a heavily debugged and supported version from somewhere.

I'd also not mind just plain out dropping it completely, since I don't
believe any of our users runs it, they're all on XFS and will upconvert
to BlueStore.

That might be a good reasoning though: upgrading folks should be able to
get the OSDs on btrfs up (if they still have any) and go directly the
BlueStore, without having to first go via XFS.


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