Re: Monitor question

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Ok, I understand, so I'll create a new mon to permit me stop the mon.a.


2016-07-07 17:46 GMT+02:00 Joao Eduardo Luis <joao@xxxxxxx>:
On 07/07/2016 04:39 PM, Fran Barrera wrote:
Yes, this is the problem.

Well, you lose quorum once you stop A.

As the docs clearly state, you cannot tolerate failures if you have just two monitors.

If your cluster only has two monitors, you cannot form quorum with just one monitor: you need a majority up, running and able to communicate among themselves.

Simply put, you need at least (n+1)/2 monitors up for a quorum to be formed, 'n' being the total number of monitors in the cluster (i.e., in the monmap).

You either need A and B to be running to be able to use the quorum, or you need to add another monitor (call it C) so that you can stop A and still have the cluster working.


2016-07-07 17:34 GMT+02:00 Joao Eduardo Luis <joao@xxxxxxx

    On 07/07/2016 04:31 PM, Fran Barrera wrote:


        Yes I've added two monitors but the error persist. In the error
        I see
        only the IP of the first mon, why not appears the second?

    The description you offered on the initial email appears to state
    the following:

    - You initially had one monitor (let's call it A)
    - You added a second monitor (let's call it B)
    - Everything works while A and B are running
    - Nothing works if you stop A

    Did I understand your problem correctly?


        I had only one monitors before and running good because I have


        2016-07-07 17:22 GMT+02:00 Joao Eduardo Luis <joao@xxxxxxx
        <mailto:joao@xxxxxxx <mailto:joao@xxxxxxx>>>:

             On 07/07/2016 04:17 PM, Fran Barrera wrote:

                 Hi all,

                 I have a cluster setup AIO with only one monitor and
        now I've
                 another monitor in other server following this doc but
                 problem is if I stop the AIO monitor, the cluster stop
                 It seems
                 like the ceph is not updated with the new mon or something

             In the doc you quoted, one can read:

             "Due to the nature of Paxos, Ceph requires a majority of
             running to establish a quorum (thus establishing consensus).


             For instance, on a 2 monitor deployment, no failures can be
             tolerated in order to maintain a quorum; with 3 monitors, one
             failure can be tolerated; [...]"

             And in a box beneath, you also see

             "Note:  A majority of monitors in your cluster must be able
        to reach
             each other in order to establish a quorum."

             So, say you have 2 monitors and you need a majority of them
        to be
             up, running, and able to communicate with each other in
        order to
             form quorum. What's a majority of 2? How many failures can
        you tolerate?


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