In case this is useful, the steps to make this work are given here: (the bug context documents
the shortcoming; I believe this happens if you create the journal
partition manually).
On 12/06/16 10:18, Anthony D'Atri wrote:
The GUID for a CEPH journal partition should be "45B0969E-9B03-4F30-B4C6-B4B80CEFF106"
I haven't been able to find this info in the documentation on the ceph site
The GUID typecodes are listed in the /usr/sbin/ceph-disk script.
I had an issue a couple years ago where a subset of OSD’s in one cluster would not start at boot, but if they were mounted and manually started they would run. Turned out that some goof that predated me had messed with the typecodes ; correcting them with sgdisk restored them to normal behavior. That was Dumpling FWIW.
— Anthony
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