Re: Firefox 3

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Niki Kovacs wrote:
I see that the folks from Red Hat decided to completely ignore Firefox 2.0: an eloquent detail.
2.0 didnt bring anything new enough to rebase to. The issue was well 
thrashed out about a year back I believe.
Now it's more than once that I've read good things about Firefox 3. Much less RAM-hungry than it's predecessors, excellent standards compliance, much more stable. What's the best way to get Firefox 3 on my CentOS 5.1? Is there some RPM for RHEL somewhere? Some SRPM? Or simply wait patiently for CentOS 5.2?
Firefox3 isnt relased yet, so the first step would be to sit and wait 
for it to release.
Karanbir Singh :  : 2522219@icq
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