Hi -
I've seen this in the past, and I was fortunate enough for the person
to have used the 'yum group*' commands.
You might be able to get rid of software groups which might contain
these pieces of software. Looking for the group* commands associated
with Yum, and you might get lucky, in the same manner that I did.
Thanks Dan:
I thought the group commands were what I was looking for but
unfortunately even though yum list the various groups:
[root@xxxxx~]# yum grouplist
Setting up Group Process
Setting up repositories
Installed Groups:
Administration Tools
Compatibility Arch Support
DNS Name Server
Engineering and Scientific
GNOME Desktop Environment
Games and Entertainment
Graphical Internet
KDE (K Desktop Environment)
Legacy Network Server
Mail Server
MySQL Database
Network Servers
News Server
PostgreSQL Database
Printing Support
Server Configuration Tools
Sound and Video
System Tools
Text-based Internet
Web Server
Windows File Server
X Software Development
X Window System
Available Groups:
Authoring and Publishing
Compatibility Arch Development Support
Development Tools
FTP Server
GNOME Software Development
KDE Software Development
Legacy Software Development
It doesn't allow for the removal of those groups:
[root@xxxxx ~]# yum groupremove Engineering Scientific
Setting up Group Process
Setting up repositories
Warning: Group Engineering does not exist.
Warning: Group Scientific does not exist.
No packages to remove from groups
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