Call for Abstracts - Deadline Extended! September 10 - 11,
2007 Abstracts must be received by April 30, 2007 On-line Submission at You are invited to submit an abstract for presentation at the WorkLife 2007 National Symposium. The Symposium will provide researchers, policymakers, practitioners, academics, employers, and labor leaders an opportunity to share their experiences with integrated and coordinated health protection and promotion programs. These worksite programs must address health risk by combining attention to both the individual workers and the environments in which they work. The conference planning committee is accepting abstracts on research and design, evaluation, and implementation of such worksite programs. View the preliminary symposium agenda online for more information about each session. Abstract Guidelines Your abstract must address the following points, which will be rated in the selection process:
Abstract Submission Please limit the body of the abstract to 500 words or less. Include a title, author(s), organizational affiliation(s), and preference for poster or oral presentation. The abstracts of work selected for presentation will be included in the materials distributed to all meeting participants. Selection Limited travel funds may be available for selected presenters. The deadline for
receipt of abstracts is April 30, 2007 and notices of acceptance will be
sent by June 1, 2007. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Dori
Reissman (DReissman@xxxxxxx). Please do
not send abstracts directly to Dr. Reissman, use the online submission
form at |
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