Volume 4 Number 11 March 2007






last month's issue of NIOSH eNews, I addressed the issue of scientific research
on asbestos. I used that occasion to preview a major initiative by NIOSH to
engage the current scientific questions about asbestos in light of
today’s technical capabilities and scientific knowledge.
month, I am pleased to note that we have now introduced that initiative for
public review and comment in the form of as a draft research strategy
document, "Asbestos and Other Mineral Fibers: A Roadmap for Scientific
Research." I encourage you to read the draft scientific document on the
NIOSH web page at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/updates/upd-02-28-07.html,
and to provide us with your comments and feedback. The draft reflects the
combined professional experience and scientific insights of a NIOSH working
group composed of scientists and engineers from key disciplines.
draft research roadmap represents a current reappraisal of the areas of
research needed to answer the questions about the scientific understanding of
asbestos and other mineral fibers, and to provide a sound scientific
foundation for future policy development to prevent asbestos-related
occupational illnesses. It also reflects NIOSH’s desire to work with
our diverse partners in designing, conducting, and supporting collaborative
research to fulfill those scientific needs.
By presenting the draft roadmap
for scientific research, we seek to stimulate a public dialogue that will
define the pressing scientific questions; identify new scientific
advancements that may be brought to bear on those questions; and lay out the
research most likely to bring certainty out of uncertainty. We look
forward to engaging in that discussion with you, as we work together to move
the draft scientific document to final form in the coming months.
Please watch future issues of NIOSH eNews for updates.
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NIOSH-Funded Study Examines
Lifting Rest Breaks
A new study from Ohio State University
recommends that workers who lift for a living should take more frequent or
longer breaks than they now do in order to avoid back injury. The
NIOSH-funded study adds to the literature available for NIOSH and other research
organizations to address concerns about work-related back injuries. The full
article is available at http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/muscleox.htm.
Workplace Exacerbation of Asthma a
Research Priority
NIOSH is expanding partnerships
and research to address emerging concerns about workplace exacerbation of
asthma. This includes six articles in peer-reviewed journals, a textbook
chapter and ongoing discussions with partners about a possible international
collaborative study and the development of preventive strategies. For more
information, contact Dr. Paul Henneberger at 304-285-6161 or go to the NIOSH
asthma topic page http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/asthma/.
CDC Invites Applications for
Research on Implementation of Public Health Interventions
The U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Office of Public Health Research has
announced availability of $10 million to support peer-reviewed research on
factors that encourage effective “translation” of public health
interventions into actual health impact. NIOSH is part of CDC. Letters of
intent are due by March 12; full applications are due by April 10. The full
announcement (CDC RFA-CD-07-005 - Improving Public Health Practice through
Translation Research) is accessible at http://www.grants.gov/.
Report Notes NIOSH Nanotechnology Research Progress,
February 27, NIOSH released a new report, Progress toward Safe
Nanotechnology in the Workplace. This report details
NIOSH’s accomplishments in advancing the scientific knowledge in
understanding the occupational safety and health implications of engineered nanoparticles.
The document also suggests potential areas where future research could
further expand this knowledge. The report is available at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2007-123/.
NPPTL Releases January Figures on the Respirator Certification
and Approval Process
During January 2007, the Technology Evaluation Branch (TEB) of NIOSH’s
National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL) closed a total of
31 projects related to respirator testing and certification: 23 respirator
approval decisions, 7 denials and 1 application withdrawn by the
manufacturer. Seven were new products and 16 were modifications to products
previously approved. During January TEB received 25 applications for
extensions of approval and 23 applications for new approvals.
Engineering Evaluation team conducted two quality assurance manual audits to
evaluate the quality assurance process and manufacturing practices. One
product audit was initiated. The Certified Product Investigation Process
completed 3 evaluations of previously certified products. There were no new
approvals or modifications of approvals for CBRN respirators.
NIOSH Participates in IOM Pandemic Preparedness Scientific
Roland BerryAnn with the NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology
Laboratory represented NIOSH on a February 22 panel on certifying effective
personal protective equipment. The panel was part of a scientific workshop
sponsored by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), held at the National Academy of
Sciences in Washington, DC, to
identify research directions, certification and standard setting issues, and
risk assessment issues specific to personal protective equipment for
healthcare workers during an influenza pandemic. http://iom.edu/?ID=39679.
NORA Sector Council Topics
Almost all the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Sector Councils
have met. Each has tackled the initial task of preparing a draft strategic plan,
highlighting priority research and activities leading to impact within the
sector. The initial goal is to present the draft for public comment within a
year of the Council’s formation. Many of the twenty-one priority areas
from the first decade of NORA continue to arise, including hearing loss,
musculoskeletal disorders, organization of work, special populations at risk,
surveillance and traumatic injuries. Other topics include encouraging
widespread adoption of successful interventions and developing a workplace
safety culture. Check here for updates. Send any questions, comments or
offers to volunteer to NORACoordinator@xxxxxxx.
of NIOSH's beryllium research team met with research staff from Brush Wellman
Inc. to discuss current and upcoming research projects…
January 1, the Republic of Korea introduced the
“Workplace Health Partner Program,” which Korean officials said was
inspired by the NIOSH health hazard evaluation program…
time and cost in reaching stakeholders, NIOSH has moved primarily to a new
listserv delivery of reports from Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluations
(FACE) and firefighter fatality investigations, in which subscribers will be
automatically notified about new reports and provided with a web link for
immediate access to a report http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/face…
Office of Compensation Analysis and Support (OCAS) completed more than 5,700
dose reconstructions in 2006, which is the highest annual output since the
program began. Visit http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ocas
for more information…
researchers Matthew Wheeler and A. John Bailer have developed software that
aids in advancing the field of risk assessment science by incorporating
model-averaging into risk assessment software. For more information, contact
Matt Wheeler at MWheeler@xxxxxxx...
NIOSH Invites
Comment on Draft Mine Documents
NIOSH is requesting public comment on three draft documents related to
research needs for prevention of death and injury in underground mining.
Comments on the draft “Explosion Pressure Design Criteria for New Seals
in U.S. Mines” will be accepted until March 12. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/review/public/MineSeal/.
on the draft report “Long-Term Field Evaluation Program (LTFE)
Concept” will be accepted until April 5. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/review/public/NPPTL-LTFE/.
Comments on the draft document
“SCSR Vision – Realizing a New Generation of Mine Escape
Respirators” will be accepted until April 5. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/review/public/NPPTL-SCSRvision/.
NIOSH ERC Annual Scientific Meeting
The New York/New Jersey Education and Research Center 28th
Annual Scientific Meeting, “The Changing Workforce and Occupational
Health Disparities,” will be held April 13, Mount Sinai School of
Medicine. For more information go to http://ophp.umdnj.edu/nynjerc/Home.html.
Safety Congress & Expo, March 20-22, Cleveland, OH, NIOSH
booth number 113.
American Association of
Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN) 2007 Symposium & Expo, April 13-20, Orlando FL.
Mark Your Calendars: Important
Paper and Poster Submission Deadlines
Call for Abstracts “WorkLife
2007: Protecting and Promoting Worker Health Symposium”
Abstracts submissions will be accepted until March 16, for WorkLife 2007:
Protecting and Promoting Worker Health National Symposium. The Symposium will
be held by NIOSH and partner agencies and organizations September 10 - 11, in
Bethesda, Maryland. For more
information go to http://www.worklife2007.com/abstract0.asp.
Call for Posters “2007 Annual Fire Conference”
Posters will be accepted until March 24, for the “2007 Annual Fire
Conference.” The conference is sponsored by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) and will be held April 4-5 in Gaithersburg, MD.
Additional information on the call for posters and the meeting can be found
at http://www.bfrl.nist.gov/info/fireconf/index.htm.
for Presentations “International Roofing Expo 2008”
Presentation submissions will be accepted until April 2,
for the International Roofing Expo, 2008. The Expo will be held February 21-23,
2008 in Las Vegas, NV. For more
information go to http://www.theroofingexpo.com/Roofing07/public/Content.aspx?ID=6980&left=0&Nav=0.
Long Term Field Evaluation Program
The NIOSH Long-Term Field Evaluation (LTFE) Program was established to obtain
data to determine the expected performance characteristics of self-contained
self-rescuers (SCSRs) used in the mining industry.
NIOSH eNews on the Web:
NIOSH eNews is Brought to
You By:
John Howard, M.D.
Editor in Chief
Max Lum
Story Editor
Tanya Headley
Public Affairs Officer
Fred Blosser
Technical Lead
Glenn Doyle
Technical Support
Joseph Cauley
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