Product: Gadu-Gadu, build 155 and older Vendor: SMS-EXPRESS.COM ( Impact: Script execution in local zone, Remote DoS Severity: High Authors: Blazej Miga <bla@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jaroslaw Sajko <sloik@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: 17/12/04 [ISSUE] Gadu-Gadu is the first Polish instant messenger used by ca. 3 millions of people per month. In addition to the last vulnerabilities there are two another vulnerabilities in the build which have been released after our last advisory. [DETAILS] Bug 1. Parsing error. We can send a malicious string which has an url inside. This url can be a javascript code for example or reference to such a code. Code will execute when the window with message pops up. Code will execute in LOCAL ZONE! Works also with older versions. Example: Send such a string to any receipent: www.po"style=background-image:url(javascript:document.write('%3cscript%3ealert%28%22you%20are%20owned!%22%29%3c%2fscript%3e'));".pl Bug 2. Beacause in this build default configuration allows sending of the images we can send an image. There is some new feature, a loop checking filename for disallowed characters, but the loop under some circumstances is an infinite loop. So, if an image name isn't starting with the '..', '/', '\' or '&#' then Gadu-Gadu applications falls into infinite loop, consumes resources, and will not receive or send any message anymore. So we have a simple DoS (livelock). Example: Send any image (filename must be a 'normal' filename) to your friend. [SOLUTION] Please upgrade to the newest build (build 156).