Fellow bugtraqers, I received this 'advisory' in one of my e-mail addresses. Since this differs A LOT from real Microsoft advisories I suspect someone is 'forging' alerts. This one came with an executable attachment (what Microsoft rarely does; usually MS suggests a place in his technical support site). Be careful with fake 'advisories' like this, specially if they come with an '.exe' attached. Cheers, Marlon. >X-Persona: <Marlon - STI> >Received: by mail5.lc-3.la.inter.net (mbox marlon) > (with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 4.3 1998/05/13) Sun Mar 10 15:27:32 > 2002) >X-From_: mic_ykc@i-cable.com.hk Sun Mar 10 10:36:32 2002 >Return-Path: <mic_ykc@i-cable.com.hk> >Received: from sitar.i-cable.com (sitar.i-cable.com []) > by mx5.lc-3.la.inter.net (8.9.3-d/8.9.3) with SMTP id KAA11731 > for <marlon@sti.com.br>; Sun, 10 Mar 2002 10:36:26 -0300 >Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 10:36:26 -0300 >Message-Id: <200203101336.KAA11731@mx5.lc-3.la.inter.net> >Received: (qmail 20871 invoked by uid 104); 10 Mar 2002 13:35:12 -0000 >Received: from cm61-10-73-119.hkcable.com.hk (HELO pfuckie) ( > by 0 with SMTP; 10 Mar 2002 13:35:06 -0000 >From: "Microsoft Corporation Security Center" <rdquest12@microsoft.com> >To: "Microsoft Customer" <'customer@yourdomain.com'> >Subject: Internet Security Update >Reply-To: <rdquest12@microsoft.com> >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: multipart/mixed; > boundary="NextPart_000235" > > >Microsoft Customer, > > this is the latest version of security update, the > >known security vulnerabilities affecting Internet Explorer and >MS Outlook/Express as well as six new vulnerabilities, and is >discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-005. Install now to >protect your computer from these vulnerabilities, the most serious of which >could allow an attacker to run code on your computer. > > >Description of several well-know vulnerabilities: > >- "Incorrect MIME Header Can Cause IE to Execute E-mail Attachment" >vulnerability.