BLM California News.Bytes Issue 744

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News. Bytes, Bureau of Land Management California

ISSUE 744 - SEPTEMBER 29, 2016	

- Celebrate Your Public Lands
- Headlines and Highlights
- BLM and DOI Highlights
- Wildlife Question of the Week
- Upcoming Events

National Public Lands Day 2016

National Public Lands Day (NPLD) is the largest volunteer event for America’s public lands. NPLD is held on a Saturday in late September when thousands of Americans volunteer to improve and enhance our nation’s public lands. This year’s NPLD events coincide with special observances for the BLM. We are celebrating two significant milestones: our 70th Birthday and the 40th Anniversary of our guiding law, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976.

Related: Event photos from National Public Lands Day 2016 (BLM California Flickr album),2n52y,3xn3,bb8i,e8td,1bct,ijo3

Related: Public Service for Public Lands (Esri Story Map),2n52y,3xn3,ctwv,2scb,1bct,ijo3

Related: National Public Lands Day 2016 event coverage (Twitter),2n52y,3xn3,gtka,6sj7,1bct,ijo3

Related: National Public Lands Day 2016 event coverage (Facebook),2n52y,3xn3,7jjo,33d1,1bct,ijo3
Sign up today! Additional Fall NPLD Volunteer Opportunities 
NPLD officially took place on Saturday, September 24, 2016. In BLM California, NPLD events will continue into the fall. (BLM website),2n52y,3xn3,9h81,gzcy,1bct,ijo3
Headwaters Forest Reserve -- Home at Last

"Former U.S. President, and patriarch of American Wilderness, Theodore Roosevelt, said, 'Believe that you can do something and you are half way there.' On a recent Saturday, over 17 years after the Headwaters Forest Reserve was established as a part of the BLM National Conservation Lands, I had the distinct honor of guiding a group of individuals who had fought hard to save this place. This was the very first hike ever into Headwaters for some of the 50 hikers who had spearheaded the Campaign to Save Headwaters Forest from 1986-1999." (News.Bytes story),2n52y,3xn3,junk,kocy,1bct,ijo3
Haulin’ away trash on Pride Day

Kern Valley Sun, September 20, 2016
Pride Day, the annual event hosted by Thomas Refuse Service, Inc., has become a tradition where hundreds of valley residents get out and clean up their neighborhoods, the river, the lake, roadsides and other places that have an accumulation of trash and debris. Keepers of the Kern helped to spread the pride around the valley on Saturday, Sept. 17 while the 29th Kern River Valley Pride Day was happening. Read full story,2n52y,3xn3,5mk9,cs0l,1bct,ijo3

Related: Kern Valley Pride Day Trash Cleanup (News.Bytes story),2n52y,3xn3,6pfw,isf1,1bct,ijo3

2016 Fire Season with the Folsom Lake Veterans’ Fire Crew

"The 2016 fire season was the Folsom Lakes 5th and most successful year yet.  At the start of the season we received our long awaited new crew carriers to move the crew across the state and the country.  We were also able to hire on our three squad leaders as permanent employee’s with the BLM.  The crew came on on May 17, we did a month of initial training where new firefighters are taught the concepts behind wildfire and wildfire suppression, pump and chainsaw training and lots of time in the field doing fuels reduction work, digging hand line and lots of physical training." (News.Bytes story),2n52y,3xn3,a0cn,c8g4,1bct,ijo3

Related: Crew photos and quotes (BLM California Flickr),2n52y,3xn3,id3l,k61j,1bct,ijo3
Vicki Campbell earns high federal award for DRECP help in changing climate change

Amador Ledger Dispatch, September 23, 2016
On September 14, one of Colin and Pearl Campbell’s three daughters, Vicki, who is currently the program manager for the Bureau of Land Management’s Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan, joined the ranks of Amador’s illustrious Campbells when she received a prestigious Superior Service Award from the Department of the Interior. This recognition is one of highest decorations that a civilian may receive in service to our country. Vicki Campbell got the award on the same day as the signing of the Record of Decision for the BLM’s Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan Amendment. Read full story,2n52y,3xn3,2k7l,etfw,1bct,ijo3

Related: Secretary Jewell, State of California Announce Landmark Renewable Energy, Conservation Plan for 10 Million Acres of California Desert (Department of Interior News Release),2n52y,3xn3,1nud,2pqn,1bct,ijo3
California legal victory exposes fracking flaw in U.S. management of public lands

The Hill, September 27, 2016
They are some of the most beautiful public lands in America — vast tracts of open space ranging from the rocky foothills of the southern Sierra Nevada to the sun-kissed fields of Santa Barbara on the California central coast. But these incredible wild places are in the crosshairs of the oil industry. Or they were until a U.S. judge recently shot down a federal plan to open more than 1 million acres of these public lands and mineral estates to drilling and fracking. Citing threats to water supplies and endangered wildlife, the court ruled that the Bureau of Land Management failed to analyze the risks of fracking and other dangerous extraction techniques when preparing a management plan that would have allowed oil drilling in these areas. Read full story,2n52y,3xn3,7c7g,goib,1bct,ijo3
Democrats Urge Obama to Bypass Congress to Set Aside 6,261 Acres on California Coast

CNS News, September 26, 2016
California Democrats introduced legislation earlier this year that would have expanded the California Coastal National Monument some 6,261 acres covering five coastal sites. The bill did not advance, and in February those lawmakers urged President Barack Obama to use his authority under the Antiquities Act to make the land off limits for everything except tourism. Read full story,2n52y,3xn3,5y8i,5e3p,1bct,ijo3

Related: Bureau of Land Management Director Neil Kornze Attends Public Meeting on Proposed California Coastal National Monument Expansion (Department of Interior News Release),2n52y,3xn3,27pa,5rie,1bct,ijo3

Scoping Comments Available for Coal PEIS

The Bureau of Land Management is making available the approximately 240,000 comments it received as it prepares to perform an in-depth study of the social, economic and environmental impacts of the Federal coal leasing program through a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement. The online posting will include individual submissions and the transcripts of the six public scoping meetings held across the country in May and June. Approximately 2,000 people attended the meetings, which were held in Casper, Wyo.; Salt Lake City, Utah; Knoxville, Tenn.; Grand Junction, Colo.; Seattle, Wash; and Pittsburgh, Pa. (BLM News Release),2n52y,3xn3,jd1a,7zh7,1bct,ijo3
Conservation Wins with Western Voters

Throughout the West, land conservation is a winning campaign issue. Western voters identify with the region’s outdoor spaces and deeply value access for hiking, hunting, fishing, and camping. Whether a candidate is running for president, governor, senator, or representative, those who show support for the West’s outdoors, parks, and public lands have a leg up in connecting with voters. This year, the road to the White House runs through the Rocky Mountain West with Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Montana looming as key showdowns. The region will also host important races for governor, for the U.S. Senate, and for the U.S. House of Representatives. (Winning the West website),2n52y,3xn3,iqg4,8uto,1bct,ijo3

Related: How do you win the west? With the outdoor vote. (Center for Western Priorities YouTube),2n52y,3xn3,42p4,dymv,1bct,ijo3
Share Respecting Tribal Wisdom, Revitalizing Indian Education

Under President Obama’s Generation Indigenous initiative to break the cycle of poverty for Native youth, we are making substantial progress in carrying out sweeping educational reforms to ensure that students attending Bureau of Indian Education (BIE)-funded schools receive a world-class education that honors their cultures, languages and identities. Developed through extensive consultation with tribal leaders our Blueprint for Reform is enabling the BIE to work with tribal communities to improve educational opportunities and outcomes by more effectively supporting tribal educators who best understand the unique needs of their communities. Successful implementation of the Blueprint continues with the support of the White House Council on Native American Affairs. (Department of Interior News Release),2n52y,3xn3,bzvh,uv4,1bct,ijo3

Related: White House Tribal Nations Conference (Department of Interior Facebook video),2n52y,3xn3,4yh5,90nx,1bct,ijo3

Related: Sec. Jewell Addresses the White House Tribal Nations Conference (Department of Interior YouTube),2n52y,3xn3,cu3l,cg7y,1bct,ijo3
Share Sailing Toward a Life of Mentorship: An Arctic Youth Story

I was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and moved around a lot with my family, led by my first mentors: my parents. My parents worked hard to pursue their ambitions. In the summer of 2008, I was 10 years old when my family of four moved onto our 30-foot wooden sailboat, bound for an uncertain future. (Department of Interior blog),2n52y,3xn3,gwgq,3jst,1bct,ijo3
To the Newest American Citizens: This Land is Your Land

On August 25, the actual 100th birthday of the National Park Service, 450 individuals across the United States took the Oath of Allegiance and became America’s newest citizens. Along with their family and friends, these 450 Americans celebrated their special day at several different National Park Service sites, including Fort McHenry, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, Big Thicket National Preserve, and Biscayne National Park. Since 2006, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and National Park Service have partnered to welcome thousands of new citizens in parks around the country and celebrate their new status in our country’s beautiful landmarks. In this National Park Service Centennial year, USCIS and NPS will host at least 100 ceremonies in parks to recognize the importance of these locations to our newest Americans. (Department of Interior blog),2n52y,3xn3,abvl,at0m,1bct,ijo3
Interior Secretary: One Year Later, Sage Grouse Collaboration Is Paying Off

Field and Stream Magazine, September 26, 2016
That’s the message that Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell gave on Friday at an event in Colorado marking the one-year anniversary of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision to not list the greater sage grouse under the Endangered Species Act. Jewell and Colorado governor John Hickenlooper said the collaborative conservation efforts—an unprecedented undertaking by federal, state and local agencies working closely with conservation organizations, private landowners, and industry—to keep the bird off the list are paying dividends. A large part of the listing decision was based on federal land use plans that were changed to protect sage grouse habitat, but a key factor in the conservation progress has and continues to be the cooperation between the public and private sectors. Read full story,2n52y,3xn3,2ll8,s54,1bct,ijo3

Related: Secretary Jewell, Governor Hickenlooper Celebrate Unprecedented Collaborative Conservation Effort for Greater Sage-Grouse (Department of Interior News Release),2n52y,3xn3,hgh5,d7s6,1bct,ijo3
BLM Announces Annual Adjustment to Drilling Permit Fee

As directed by Congress, the Bureau of Land Management will be adjusting the fee it charges to process oil and gas drilling permits on public and Indian lands for inflation effective October 1, 2016.  That adjustment will increase the fee charged for such permits by $110 to $9,610. (BLM News Release),2n52y,3xn3,ikld,2p2,1bct,ijo3

Video: This Week at Interior September 23, 2016

Celebrating the sage-grouse conservation effort, and the 50th anniversary of Landsat; getting ready for the White House Tribal Nations Conference; talking about the expansion of the California Coastal National Monument; marking National Public Lands Day; welcoming the newest citizens; setting the date for the National Christmas Tree lighting. (Department of Interior YouTube),2n52y,3xn3,8yrz,hlof,1bct,ijo3


True of false? Pollinators are vital to coffee production?

Keep reading for answer below.


October 1: BLM, Partners Offer Free Archaeology Day near Susanville

A hands-on look into the lives of northeast California's early inhabitants will highlight Archaeology Day, a free, family-friendly event, Saturday, October 1, at the Hobo Camp Area along the Susan River just west of Susanville. (BLM News Release),2n52y,3xn3,6qiz,15hu,1bct,ijo3
October 5: Community Conversations on Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument

The U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management are in the early stages of developing a management plan for the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument (BSMNM) and invite the public to participate in Community Conversations about the monument. The conversations are an opportunity for the public to express what they value in the management of the BSMNM. (BLM News Release),2n52y,3xn3,e0go,2fo8,1bct,ijo3
October 15: Keysville Gala Planned 

The Bureau of Land Management and Keepers of the Kern will sponsor a historical gala October 15 in honor of the 160th anniversary of Keysville. The program, a celebration of National Public Lands Day and California Archaeology Month, will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Keysville Special Recreation Management Area North Entrance near the town of Lake Isabella. (BLM News Release),2n52y,3xn3,j6gq,88ii,1bct,ijo3
October 20-21: BLM Central California Advisory Council Plans Meeting in El Dorado Hills

A proposed campground fee increase for the Bishop Field Office will be considered when the Bureau of Land Management's Central California Resource Advisory Council meets October 20-21 in El Dorado Hills. A tour of tree mortality areas in the Mother Lode Field Office will be held from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. onThursday, October 20, followed by a business meeting from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Mother Lode Field Office, 5152 Hillsdale Circle, El Dorado Hills. Time for public comment is reserved from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. The RAC will reconvene beginning at 8 a.m. on Friday, October 21, until business is concluded, no later than noon. (BLM News Release),2n52y,3xn3,7t7y,donl,1bct,ijo3
October 22: Honor Our Fallen 5K and 10K Race/Walk as a “competitor” or “volunteer”

Join community supporters and participate in the Honor Our Fallen 5K and 10K Race/Walk as a “competitor” or “volunteer”. Event helps support programs for Gold Star Family members and is hosted by the U.S. Army’s Morale, Welfare and Recreation program. Please register in advance as a “volunteer” or “participant” at (Honor Our Fallen- A Run to Remember 10K Facebook event),2n52y,3xn3,1xj9,9cyl,1bct,ijo3

October 23: Monterey Off Road Cycling Association Monthly Trail Work

Join volunteers at Fort Ord National Monument and lend a hand in collecting native plant seed working in a beautiful setting. Volunteers will enjoy free lunch and entertainment at the intersection of Jack’s Road and Skyline Road (Lightfighter LZ) following the project. (Monterey Off Road Cycling Association website),2n52y,3xn3,f6q5,fdzd,1bct,ijo3


True of false? Pollinators are vital to coffee production?

True, and just in time for National Coffee Day! Without pollinators like bees and butterflies coffee production would significantly drop. For many folks it’s hard to imagine a world without the smell of coffee in the morning (or the occasional pumpkin spice latte in the fall).  So next time you’re enjoying a fresh cup of joe, remember to thank a pollinator. (USFWS Southeast Region),2n52y,3xn3,ec7b,j1km,1bct,ijo3

News.Bytes is a publication of the Bureau of Land Management California.

Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W1623
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600

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