A publication of Bureau of Land Management in California
Issue 573 - 3/28/13 - Visit us on Facebook --
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- Not for educators only: Wildlife trivia question of the week
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- Wild horses and burros
- Headlines and highlights: Assorted topics from your public lands in California
- National and Department of the Interior items
Selected upcoming events
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"Central California Locales Have People Wild About Flowers" (Sacramento Bee, 3/27/13)
At the Carrizo Plain National Monument, managed by the Bureau of Land Management, Mid-March to April is typically the best time for wildflower viewing at this 250,000-acre area in eastern San Luis Obispo County. Reports indicate the season is off to a slow start, but with some rain that could
change in a hurry. From Fresno, take Highway 41 South to Interstate 5 South to Highway 58 West.
RELATED: "Carrizo Plain National Monument" (BLM
Bakersfield Field Office)
The plain is home to diverse communities of wildlife and plant species, and is an area culturally important to Native Americans. It is traversed by the San Andreas Fault, which has carved valleys, created and moved mountains, and yet close-up, is seen in a subtle alignment of ridges, ravines
and normally dry ponds. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/bakersfield/Programs/carrizo.html
"Jacumba Hikers and Walkers Announce Spring Schedule"
(East County Magazine, 3/26/13)
From wildflowers to waterfalls, the Jacumba Hikers have announced a variety of unique hiking destinations for their outings this spring. Visit the website for a list of hikes and descriptions of hikes set for April and May.
RELATED: "Jacumba Mountains Wilderness" (BLM El Centro
Field Office)
The Jacumba Mountains sit on the eastern flank of southern California's coastal peninsular ranges, extending to the international border. The Jacumba's are a broad range, made up of ridges and intervening valleys. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/prog/wilderness/wa/areas/jacumba.html
...Fort Ord National Monument officially opened the Badger Hills Trailhead on Highway 68 to better serve the thousands of
visitors that use this access point. Check out the BLM-California Facebook for more information. https://www.facebook.com/blmcalifornia
Photo by Gerald and Buff Corsi, California Academy of
Wolverines are in the same animal family as:
(a.) bobcats and mountain lions
(b.) wolves and coyotes
(c.) weasels and badgers
(d.) moles and shrews
(e.) fictional brooding mutant anti-heroes
See answer - and more wildlife stories - near the end of this News.bytes. |
"World's Largest Solar Towers Take to the Sun" (Engineering Source, 3/28/13)
California will soon be home to the world's two largest solar towers through an ambitious project known as The Palen Solar Electrical Generating System. The new $2.6 billion solar project will be a joint development between Abengoa, a technology solutions provider for sustainable development,
and BrightSource Energy, a solar thermal technology company.
"iSun Investigation: Riverside County breaks promise on solar fee benefits" (mydesert.com, 3/24/13)
Riverside County officials came up with the idea of a solar fee, with Supervisor John J. Benoit arguing that the county and its residents deserved some compensation for the long-term impacts of the proposed projects. Almost two years later, the county has received $1.8 million in franchise fees
from one project, the 550-megawatt Desert Sunlight plant, and the town and its residents have yet to see a cent.
"American West Running out of Room for Wild Horses, Officials Weigh Options" (Fox News, 3/26/13)
There are 10,000 more horses and burros in the wild than their habitat can support, according to the Bureau of Land Management. But, the agency says, there will soon be little they can do about it. The overpopulation problem is now putting a big strain on the agency as it tries to figure out
how to keep the spiraling population from harming the ecosystem.
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/26/american-west-running-out-room-for-wild-horses/ |
"BLM Pursues Off-highway Vehicle Grant" (Needles Desert Star, 3/25/13)
The Needles Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is still taking comments on their grant application to the California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division. The comment period ends April 1. Every year the Needles office of the BLM applies for grants to help
manage off-highway vehicle recreation opportunities on public lands. http://www.thedesertstar.com/articles/2013/03/27/news/local/news882.txt
"PD Editorial: A hidden treasure on Mendocino Coast" (PressDemocract, 3/24/13) Spread over two
miles of rugged coastline adjacent to the Point Arena Lighthouse, you can see cypress groves, sand dunes, natural bridges, tide pools, sink holes and blow holes. A small island is accessible at low tide. The island, known as Sea Lion Rocks, is part of the California Coast National Monument.
RELATED: "California Coastal National Monument"
(NLCS Website)
Located off the 1,100 miles of California coastline, the California Coastal National Monument comprises more than 20,000 small islands, rocks, exposed reefs, and pinnacles between Mexico and Oregon. The scenic qualities and critical habitat of this public resource are protected as part of the
National Landscape Conservation System, administered by the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior.
"Volunteers to replant fire-ravaged area in Lassen County" (Sacramento Bee, 3/26/13) Volunteers, federal officials and representatives of Field and Stream magazine will converge on burned-over habitat in a hands-on, all-day conservation project. Led by the staff of the
federal Bureau of Land Management's Eagle Lake field office, volunteers are scheduled to plant up to 1,000 bitterbrush seedlings across more than 8 acres in eastern Lassen County scorched in last summer's Rush fire. Volunteers participating in the Susanville "Hero for a Day" event should meet at 8
a.m. Saturday, March 30 at the BLM's Eagle Lake office, 2950 Riverside Drive in Susanville.
"SB County Supervisor Sees Mining Threat" (Victorville Daily Press, 3/17/13)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein's Desert Protection Act is kicking up more dust in the High Desert as the pending bill threatens to shut down future mining prospects, San Bernardino County 1st District Supervisor Robert Lovingood said. The new bill expands previous closures in the High Desert by
designating new national monuments totaling 1,679 square miles, plus expanding national "wilderness" areas by another 390 square miles, Lovingood's office stated. The 1st District supervisor said he is concerned over further federal expansion because the mining industry is the largest private
employer in the district.
"BLM Announces Three Selections for National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board" (National BLM, 3/27/13)
The Bureau of Land Management announced that the Secretaries of Interior and Agriculture have made selections for three positions on its National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. Timothy J. Harvey of Campton, New Hampshire, has been re-appointed for the position representing Humane
Advocacy; Rick Danvir of Evanston, Wyoming, has been appointed for the category of Wildlife Management; and John Falen of Orovada, Nevada, has been appointed for the position representing Livestock Management. Each individual will serve a three-year term on the Advisory Board.
http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/info/newsroom/2013/march/nr_03_27_2013.html |
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News.bytes published by
Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1834
Sacramento, Ca 95825
(916) 978-4600
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