A publication of Bureau
of Land Management in California
Issue 572 - 3/22/13 - Visit us on Facebook -- follow us on Twitter - Share us with friends and colleagues!
THIS WEEK IN NEWS.BYTES: - America's Great Outdoors - On our Facebook pages - Wild horses and burros - Not for educators only: Wildlife trivia question of the week
- Renewable energy - Headlines and highlights: Assorted topics from your public lands in California - Selected upcoming events - National and Department of the Interior items
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"BLM-California Botanist Enjoys "Teaching People about the Spread of Invasive Weeds"
(News.bytes Extra) Jennifer Wheeler works in the BLM's Arcata Field Office on California's North Coast. As a botanist and range conservationist, an enjoyable part of my job is teaching people about the spread of invasive weeds and working with them to eradicate these plants. Invasive
weeds spread quickly and displace native plants. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsbytes/2013/572_extra_-_wheeler.html RELATED: "Noxious and Invasive Weeds" (BLM website) Invasive weeds are generally non-native plants introduced to North America from Europe and Asia. Weeds began entering this country in earnest in the mid-1800s. These plants have spread at an alarming rate
because, unlike native species, there are no native insects, fungi, or diseases to control their growth and spread in this country. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/prog/weeds.html |
"Race Event Planned for Fort Sage OHV Area; Public Riding will be Limited" (BLM, 3/19/13) Public riding and driving will be restricted at the Bureau of Land Management's Fort Sage Off Highway Vehicle area near Doyle during the Sierra 100 Hare Scrambles motorcycle
races, set for Saturday and Sunday, April 6-7. On April 6, trails in the north and eastern parts of the recreation area will be off limits to public riding. On April 7, only race participants will be allowed on trails in the entire OHV area. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsroom/2013/march/fortsageevent.html
RELATED: "Fort Sage Special Recreation Management Area"
(BLM Eagle Lake) http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/eaglelake/fortsage.html
"Old Spanish Trail Segment Found" (BLM Barstow Field Office) The 19th Century overland route to Southern California had disappeared. Maps and historical accounts showed a 50-mile segment of the Old
Spanish Trail entering California south of Death Valley and running through the Silurian Valley to present-day Baker, Calif. BLM Barstow archaeologist technician Amy Oechsner found archaeological artifacts confirming she found the long lost trail. She presented her Silurian Valley research at the
Archaeological Institute of America's annual meeting in Seattle, where she was awarded First Runner Up for her work. http://www.ca.blm.gov/71kd
RELATED: "Old Spanish National Historic Trail" (BLM Arizona) http://www.blm.gov/az/st/en/prog/blm_special_areas/hist_trails/old_span_tr.html
"Hands-on Hunter-Gatherer Skills Workshop Offered in Redway" (BLM, 3/20/13) A hands-on workshop focused on ancient living skills, including using friction to make fire, will be offered free, Tuesday, March 26, at 7
p.m., at the Healy Senior Center, 456 Briceland Rd., in Redway. The workshop, led by North Coast resident Tamara Wilder, will look at skills used around the world by hunter-gatherer peoples. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsroom/2013/march/hunter-gatherer.html
"BLM, Partners Offering Spring Outings along Clear Creek" (BLM, 3/16/13) Spring outings ranging from trail maintenance projects to a look at "Bugs on the Bottom" of Clear Creek will be
offered this spring by the Bureau of Land Management's Redding Field Office and the Horsetown Clear Creek Preserve.The events are free. Participants will meet at various times at the parking area for the Horsetown Clear Creek Preserve on the Clear Creek Road, seven miles west of the junction with
Highway 273. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsroom/2013/march/clearcreekoutings.html
...Wildflower enthusiasts are expecting an outstanding year for wildflower viewing, particularly in the Panoche and Tumeys Hills. Check out the BLM-California Facebook for more information. https://www.facebook.com/blmcalifornia |
...On the BLM National
Tumblr page, The Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, is truly a spectacular sight to behold. Your public lands across the United States offer unparalleled opportunities to gaze up into the heavens, and that's certainly true in Alaska. http://mypubliclands.tumblr.com/ |

eagles mainly eat? (a.) small mammals (b.) shoots, and leaves (c.) grubs and larvae (d.) carrion (e.) fish (f.) fast food (but not quite fast enough) See answer - and more wildlife stories - near the end of this
News.bytes. |
"BrightSource adds Spanish partner in desert energy project" (MercuryNews, 3/15/13) Oakland solar company BrightSource Energy said Spain's Abengoa SA would become a partner in its 500 megawatt Palen project in the California desert. The two companies will work jointly to
permit and finance the solar thermal project, which will be built, operated and maintained by Abengoa. The plant will use BrightSource's technology and design. http://www.ca.blm.gov/81kd
"Renewables Easier to Manage Than Expected for Grid Operators"(KCET ReWire,
3/19/13) Fossil fuel interests routinely criticize renewable energy as being too unpredictable to meet the demands of a large power grid. But as it turns out, even a resource as unpredictable as wind power -- which can fluctuate statewide by hundreds of megawatts in the course of an hour or
two -- isn't that hard to incorporate into a grid the size of California's. http://www.kcet.org/news/rewire/wind/intermittent-renewables-easier-to-manage-than-expected.html
"BLM Offers 26 Mustangs, 10 Burros, and a Mule for Norco Adoptions" (BLM, 3/21/13) The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announces 26 mustangs, 10 burros, and one mule will be available for adoption on a
first come, first-served basis March 22-24 in conjunction with the Back Country Horsemen of California Rendezvous at George Ingalls Equestrian Event Center, Sixth and Crestview Streets, Norco, CA 92860. Adoption hours are Friday and Saturday, March 22 and 23 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
and from 9 a.m. until noon on Sunday, March 24. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsroom/2013/march/norcoadoption.html
Photos of some of the animals are available at http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/cdd/whb.html. |
"BLM-California Firefighter Uses Skills to Battle a Different Kind of Threat " (News.bytes Extra) Joe Johnson, a firefighter in the BLM's Eagle Lake Field Office, did well in a grueling Firefighter
Stair climb event held March 10 to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Joe placed 208th out of 1,475 finishers in the event and did his part to raise funds to battle these blood cancers. He placed 157th in his age group of 950 participants, completing the climb in 16 minutes, 49
seconds. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsbytes/2013/572_extra_-_firefighter.html
"Diamond Arrow Fire" (YubaNet, 3/14/13) Cal Fire and Nevada County
Consolidated, plus 2 Washington Ridge crews were on the scene of the escaped camp fire on Rock Creek Road, approximately .5 miles from North Bloomfield Road. The fire was started by a transient building a camp fire which spread to some 3.8 acres on BLM land. The fire was burning in brush and
timber. BLM built a fuel break in the area several years ago which prevented the fire from spreading further into the canyon. http://yubanet.com/nevada/Diamond.php
Sand Dunes Subgroup Members Selected" (BLM, 3/20/13) The California Desert Advisory Council (DAC) has selected two members for the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area (ISDRA) subgroup. They are Tom Acuna, representing California off-highway vehicle (CA OHV) interests; and Ed Stovin,
representing OHV Organizations. Other current subgroup members and the interests they represent are: Don Wharton, Local Community; Bob Ham, Imperial County; Jim Bramham, CA OHV interests; Lee Banning, Arizona OHV interests; and Chuck Hattaway, OHV Organizations. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsroom/2013/march/isdrasubgroupmembers.html
"Poulson named grand marshal of Colorado River Round-Up" (Needles Desert Star, 3/18/13) Kippy Poulson is the 2013 Colorado River Round-Up Rodeo Grand Marshal and is overjoyed to be taking on the
role. She is a Budget Technician for the BLM Needles Field Office. Through her work Kippy became involved in community events and organizations. She said it was for her job but it was much more than that for her. She loved being able to find ways to promote the city and help bring in visitors and
others to see how great it is in Needles. http://www.thedesertstar.com/articles/2013/03/20/news/local/news778.txt
"BLM Announces Temporary Closure on Little South Fork Elk
River Trail" (BLM, 3/16/13) The Little South Fork Elk River Trail in the Headwaters Forest Reserve near Eureka is temporarily closed because of muddy conditions. The closure point is three miles from the Headwaters Reserve parking lot. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) said
the closure, in place from March 18 until conditions improve, is needed for safety reasons and to protect the trail from damage. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/info/newsroom/2013/march/tempclosure.html
"Kite Buggy Enthusiast Waiting on Wind for World Record, Redemption" (Las Vegas Sun, 3/19/13) Brian Holgate is waiting on the wind.
Standing on the Ivanpah dry lake bed, the Las Vegas resident is prepping his kite buggy for a ride across the parched dirt floor that stretches as far as the eye can see. His buddy Antony Miller films Holgate as he lays out four kite lines. Holgate, 28, is used to waiting on the wind. He's been
waiting on a gusty day for more than a year now. He wants to harness it, use it to propel his buggy 100 mph -- faster than any buggy has ever gone. http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2013/mar/19/kite-buggy-enthusiast-waiting-wind-redemption/
"BLM Manager Responds to Enforcement Questions" (Sierra Wave, 3/18/13) Public reaction to news of the local Bureau of Land Management patrolling for people "illegally
taking artifacts out of the desert" has been mixed - from anger and outrage to belief in regulations. The BLM Field Office Manager Bernadette Lovato talked to Sierra Wave Media about details of enforcement. Lovato said BLM is not out there actively keeping people off public land. She said BLM just
hopes people will treat public land with respect and leave things there and let others see it. http://www.sierrawave.net/23760/blm-manager-responds/
"Obama Budget to Seek Increased Funding For Faster Energy Permitting, Natural Gas" (Bloomberg, 3/18/13) President Obama's upcoming fiscal year 2014 budget request would increase funding for
energy programs within the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management by approximately 20 percent and includes a call for millions of dollars in funding for natural gas production and carbon capture and sequestration, the White House said March 15. http://www.bna.com/obama-budget-seek-n17179872836/
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Office 2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1834 Sacramento, Ca 95825 (916) 978-4600 http://www.blm.gov/ca/
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