Hi Tim,
the goal would indeed be currently installed packages, seems to be Debian,
as dpkg seems to be here.
may I have the command for installed packages again?
here it starts with dkg, and I want to be sure this is not a typo.
On Mon, 15 Jul 2024, Tim Chase wrote:
If the server is running an RPM-based distribution, then rpm -qa, but it
will likely print out a list of thousands of packages
Is there a way to copy output into a file?
The usual Unix way:
$ rpm -qa > list_of_packages.txt
and you can then review "list_of_packages.txt" as you see fit.
If it's a Debian-based system, you can use "dpkg" to obtain similar
$ dpkg --get-selections > list_of_packages.txt
which will include all installed and installed-but-then-uninstalled
packages. If you only want the currently-installed packages, you
can use
$ dpg --get-selections | awk '$NF == "install"{print $1}' > list_of_packages.txt