Getting archlinux talking when it picks the wrong sound card: kernel parameter video=HDMI-A-1:d or whatever the connector is called -- Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." Ed Howdershelt 1940. On Sat, 4 Nov 2023, Pavel Vlček wrote: > Hi, > I am unable to correctly setup Audacity. Arch Linux, Pipewire. > > In preferences, first combobox with label guest computer is set to alsa, and > can be chandeg to jack audio connection kit. Second combo box is set as > Pipewire, I think it is for playing, can be changed to default or hdmi. Thirt > I think for recording is set to pipewire and can be changed to default and > alsa. What am I doing wrong? When I use gnome-sound-recorder for mic > verification, all works as expected. I tried to switch to jack audio > connection kit, I choosed my hdmi to play and my family controller (internal > mic), but after recording, I get information about sound loss in selected > regions. > > Thanks, > Pavel > > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to blinux-list+unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxx.