First, this thread began with an effort to showcase a tts tool, by
not providing download links so that *any* Linux user could sample them.
Someone decided, instead of being universal to blame html5, which exists
in command line browsers as a plug in, assuming the source site actually
uses html links...which it does not.
The hijacking came by blaming this lack of inclusion on standards, which
themselves do not encourage Linux be used as a test platform.
So the standards you are shifting focus onto do not even consider Linux
worthy of being incorporated tested or considered when those developers are building for .
On Fri, 11 Feb 2022, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
First off, no one is projecting their choices onto anyone else. You are the
one who hijacked this thread and made it something it never was intended to
be. After this hijacking took place, we provided work-arouds, possible
solutions and real-world scenarios that could help, but you still say we are
projecting our choices onto others. No, we are simply working with things as
they are. As it turns out, text mode is full of inconsistencies and is
severely limited in what it can do. The good news is that unlike Microsoft
and other too big to fail tech giants, no one takes any of this away if it's
what you like. And if you don't like the way it works, it can certainly be
changed to suit your specific needs. Once again, it is not the fault of the
standards bodies who try to be sure things work as well as they can on the
most software, and it is not the fault of web developers who do their best to
comply with standards. It is simply limitations and non-adherence to open and
free standards in the browsers you are choosing to use, which can and should
be overcome at the software level. If you don't like something, fix it or
propose the necessary changes. It's that simple.
~ Kyle
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