Re: Coqui TTS has blew my mind!

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this is a  Linux list, not a w3c one.
Further the principle of wACg  is that all tools should be included.
you are talking about humans, and those humans work differently.
there are html5 tools associated with lynx as well.
What I found  concerning is this hey Linux users we all have this tool!
Which is not true at all.
Lastly you will find very few if any situations where Linux is even considered a suitable waCG testing environment.
who surveys screen reader users has stated Linux has no place in their evaluation.

On Thu, 10 Feb 2022, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:

That's not true.

The samples are provided through a *standardized* HTML audio player, as
defined by the World Wide Web consortium (the *authority* for HTML, run
by its creator).

If some command-line application is unable to process it correctly,
that's not a problem of W3C, HTML or any its user.

Best regards


Dňa 10. 2. 2022 o 19:10 Linux for blind general discussion napísal(a):
..which makes stating that these are accessible incorrect.
Linux exists in command line as well as gui.  as someone else in a
different thread noted recently, they personally would not touch gui
again for  the rest of their lives if given a choice.
Meaning these options are not universally available or accessible in Linux
as a whole.
might as well say, please only be disabled as I personally define it,
writing accessible by your own dictionary and seemingly to project it on
to other people.
Why not say from the outset, that the items are only available for some
Linux users?

On Wed, 9 Feb 2022, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:

The samples are HTML5 audio elements on the page. They're fairly easy to
download, but only on browsers like Firefox and Chrome. I don't know if they
have fallback links for text-based browsers. My website has fallbacks, but
Firefox, Chrome and other HTML5 browsers hide them. I didn't try the samples
in a different browser to see whether fallback download links are present.
The youtube link does offer a fairly decent example of the quality of speech
and sound though

~ Kyle

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