So let me get this straight. I'm on a 64bit UEFI system. Solus, IIRC,
comes with Grub.
You're saying I don't need GRUB to swap between OSes so I can have
sdboot with Arch on /dev/sdb and Solus on /dev/sda?
So next logical question.
What's the best way to be able to access my Solus disk when I do install
Arch, ensure it's the same file system and it should all work fine or?
On 1/20/22 13:00, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 12:50:50PM +0000, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
So more questions that I didn't get around to asking earlier and thought of
after sending that first message
1. I've run into this (mostly) on a VM, but is there an advantage of grub
over system-d boot? I've never got a VM to boot using grub so I'm not sure
how it'd afect bare metal
no. I am using sd-boot everywhere.
2. From an A-A11y perspective. I'm noting down what I need. Here's my
current list
alsa-utils espeakup orca speech-dispatcher
Is that all I need for a working DE like Gnome or Mate, i.e. can I just
install those four packages, dependencies, and and end up with a working
I think yes.
I don't really want to nuke my Solus install until I know Arch is working,
but equally I don't want to overdo installing stuff and get swampd with a
hundred updates every day for an extreme example. I've managed to pare it
down to one or two with a lean, minimal system. Hopefully I can replicate
that on bare metal
So given I've Solus on /dev/sda, and I put Arch on /dev/sdb for example,
would I need to install Grub to be able to swap between the two installed
OSes as needed? I'm not 100% sure if installing Grub as part of the Arch
install will break being able to boot into Solus though
if you hav efi - you don't need grub to switch between oses.
Sincerely, Alexander
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