It doesn't look like the original command is included below, but
normally when you see an option included in pointy brackets (<>) that
means that's a place holder for some user provided data, like a file
name. You'd replace that with the file name or user data in question
without the pointy brackets.
For example, if you were going to edit your journal, you might see
someone suggest running the command
$ gedit <JournalFileName.txt>
so you might actually run the command
$ gedit DailyJournal.txt
where DailyJournal.txt is the actual name of your journal file.
On 12/10/2013 11:28 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
I do not mind educating others at my typing expense.
First, am i correct in guessing that the less than and greater than
characters are not to be included?
for example, and I am doing this off the top of my head, so it may not
be perfect.
xsltproc -o mylife.html -o daisyTransform.xsl My_Life.xml
would be correct?
On Tue, 10 Dec 2013, Geoff Shang wrote:
On Tue, 10 Dec 2013, Karen Lewellen wrote:
We do have xsltproc here at shellworld.
Equally there is a daisyTransform.xsl
file with my bookshare materials in each book.
when I run the line below though I am getting a shared object missing
error..but I may not be running it correctly.
to spare the list an exchange off topic, may i write you privately to
You *could*, but I would venture to add that this isn't really
off-topic, and taking it private would prevent it from showing up in
search results, which might help anyone else with this problem in future.
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