Ah yes, I just found out about jackd yesterday as a matter of fact. I
didn't realize it was so powerful. I actually thought I *needed*
pulseaudio to move audio from specific applications, even those unaware
of its existance, to another output, but it looks like jackd can also do
this. Worse still is the fact that I have to convince at least one Mac
user that such niceness can be had on Linux without having to be a total
geek, so I'm trying to work within graphical environments, rather than
staying in the text world, where I know this kind of thing is possible
in multiple ways. This doesn't at all preclude the possibility of using
text-based tools, which I am heavily leaning toward doing, but it may
require writing scripts or rather specialized applications to streamline
the process, especially after this initial attempt.
In my attempts to promote free software and its benefits, I refuse to be
defeated by such a small application issue, especially when I know that
it is possible to do all kinds of great things with free software that
are just not possible, and other great things that, while possible, are
certainly frowned upon and even called illegal and worse things, in the
proprietary world. It's great to know that specialized needs such as pro
audio can be filled without having to give up the freedoms I have come
to love. Thanks all for the help, and keep it coming, as I'm not known
as a professional audio geek, though I do use Audacity and some other
cool stuff from time to time <smiles>
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