Yes, and that's exactly what I don't want. I don't want it to edit
or write to the file. I want a read-only program. I'm aware that
vi(1) has a read-only mode but I really don't want to learn the
command set just to view a file. All I need is an advanced pager
with bookmarks and auto-scrolling and of course a decent
search. Something like less(1) would be fine if it had those features.
At 03:59 PM 5/21/07 +0200, you wrote:
Use vi, a powerful editor.
Some of its commands are:
vi filename: opens an existing file indicated on the command line,or
creates a new one
While inside the editor:
:w (be careful to use the semi-colon): writes, or saves, the changes
o the file you are working
:q (quit) closes all opened files ad quits the editor
:wq saves and closes a file and exits the editor
:q! (q followed by exclamation mark) exits without saving any modifiation
Tony Baechler
Baechler Productions
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