Hi. Well, I don't know about that. I couldn't get Interactive to
work right with wget. I had to install something else for mp3
streams but I'm not rememberig the name now. I only got it to
reliably work for Mainstream.
At 07:33 AM 2/13/2006, you wrote:
I had a shell account around with a fair amount of space once, and I
put this in a cron script using a symbolic link for wget named acb
or acbradio, so at the right time, I could say "killall acbradio."
My problem was that using it on Interactive, I'd get 2 hours of
backup loop week after week after week. Maybe in their infancy, if
you joined the stream and a backup stream came in, it wouldn't go
away when the broadcaster started unless you refreshed the client.
They could be using winamp magic in that thing too to make that
happen that wget just won't deal with.