I think this might be off topic. Please forgive me, I was not sure who to ask. My mother wants to get a computer. She is not a heavy computer user, so a few months down the road I will probably be given it. I was asked to put together a list of what I would like to have for a computer. I do lots of email, web browseing, trying out of Adaptive Software demos and computer programming. I also do alot of word processing, database work, Daisy and/or audible books, use of my older SCSI scanner, (that uses a PCI SCSI card), learning and using different OSes, (specifically Linux and Windows), and a speech user. Down the road I can see trying Voice Recognition software, getting into audio broadcastting and moveing my web site to my own hard drive. Could you please give me manufacture recommendations and critique the list below? Thank you. Computer equipment list for a desktop PC A 1.6GHz CPU or higher 256MB of RAM or higher 30 To 60GB hard drive CDRW drive DVD/DVD -RW drive On board Ethernet card, (for Cable Modem) Onboard SCSI, (optional) On board/ add in multi channel sound card Flat panel monitor AGP port/card 3.5 inch drive USB, Paralell ports Probally get a Serial to USB adapter for DECTalk Express Three or more PCI slots Angus MacKinnon Adaptive Computer Educator, ACE Web page: http://members.shaw.ca/dabneyadfm MAILTO:flodabay@hotmail.com Choroideremia Research Foundation Inc. http://www.choroideremia.org