If you want to write some code, here is an approach that will work: Basically Javascript of interest does one of 3 things: 0) generate content (document.write ) 1) Provides an event handler e.g. for mouse rollovers etc --the only handler that is really of interest is the one on form submit and anchor clicks (href="javascript:") 2) These handlers typically show up as JS functions written by the site author -- and eventually end up calling window.open or something equivalent like document.location="url" You can handle all of these by essentially running the HTML page through a JS interpreter and telling the interpreter to produce HTML with the JS code evaluated and results spliced back in as HTML. Look at rhino.jar for a full JS implementation in Java --take rhino.jar and write yourself the above interpreter --if you dont like Java pick your favorite language. Finally hook the "interpreter" above into a proxy server and test it. the proxy server should run JS enabled WWW pages through your interpreter. If you build this it will work for all browsers. >>>>> "RAYNER" == RAYNER Peter <peter.rayner@csiro.au> writes: RAYNER> I guess we're all running into problems with RAYNER> javascript more and more often. I'm wondering RAYNER> if it's time to put some collective effort into RAYNER> a solution and, if so, what it might be. The RAYNER> last time this topic turned up on the emacs-w3 RAYNER> list, Bill Perry's suggestion was for some kind RAYNER> of external parser, rather than extending the RAYNER> capabilities of emacs-w3 itself. The other RAYNER> alternatives I see are to wait and hope the RAYNER> netscape accessibility efforts make the problem RAYNER> go away or to extend the capabilities of some RAYNER> other access tool. Does anyone have any RAYNER> suggestions for which alternative might be RAYNER> preferable? If we do decide on an external RAYNER> filter what kinds of capabilities must it have? RAYNER> The few times I've looked inside inaccessible RAYNER> pages the JS seems to be doing uninteresting RAYNER> things like drop-down lists which could easily RAYNER> be handled other ways. But I don't know enough RAYNER> about the capabilities of javascript to know RAYNER> what other kinds of events we might have to deal RAYNER> with. I'm happy to try and hack something RAYNER> together to do this provided there's a RAYNER> reasonable chance of success; it's about time I RAYNER> brushed up my perl anyway. There also look to RAYNER> be some open-source implementations of RAYNER> interpretters out there we could possibly modify RAYNER> for the task. So do people have a view of RAYNER> whether and how to go forward with this? Any RAYNER> currently active projects? Other comments RAYNER> cheers Peter Rayner RAYNER> _______________________________________________ RAYNER> Blinux-list@redhat.com RAYNER> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/blinux-list -- Best Regards, --raman Email: raman@cs.cornell.edu WWW: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/ AIM: TVRaman PGP: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/raman/raman.asc