Can you explain please wat exactly is Festival doing? I understand that the screen reader takes the text from the screen, then pass it to the sinthesizer and it speaks the text. Am I missing something? Thanks. Teddy, ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kristoffer Gustafsson" <> To: <> Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 9:43 AM Subject: SV: SV: Software Synths Under Linux Hello! i think that your problem with festival is that you don't have a speech synthesizer installed. festival is only the text to speech system. you must have a speech synthesizer like mbrola installed and a festvox lexicon to run it. for example i shall try to install festival with the sw1 mbrola voice and a swedish lexicion. Kristoffer -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- Från: []För Anders Holmberg Skickat: den 19 maj 2002 22:09 Till: Ämne: Re: SV: Software Synths Under Linux Helo! Well what about the festival synth? I tried to install a debian package myself but i did'nt succeed with it. It started but it never talked. I tried it out with brltty. /Anders. ----- Ursprungligt meddelande ----- Från: "Mario Lang" <> Till: <> Skickat: den 19 maj 2002 01:23 Ämne: Re: SV: Software Synths Under Linux > "Kristoffer Gustafsson" <> writes: > > > Hello! > > if you want a free speech synthesizer you can have try with mbrola. > > i think that you can find it somewhere on the blinux file archive. > Mbrola didn't get very stable, I checked again now, and its still version 1.4beta > which I tested in 99 back then. > > -- > CYa, > Mario > > > > _______________________________________________ > > > _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________