Imaging in linux is the easiest imaging you will ever do. Use the dd command partition by partition as follows: dd if=[partition] of=[filename] So, to image your third partition on the first IDE disk to a file in /home: dd if=/dev/hda3 of=/home/hda3.img To go the other way and restore from this file: dd if=/home/hda3.img of=/dev/hda3 PS: Your mbr will be saved when you image /dev/hda1. Or, you can do it separately as explained in the lilo installation HOWTO: dd if=/dev/hda of=/home/mbr.img bs=512 count=1 I used to use ghost. This is much easier. On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Octavian Rasnita wrote: > Hi all, > > Do you know if I can create an image of the hard disk if I have Red Hat > installed on it? > I would like to use Norton Ghost from a floppy disk for that. > If it is not possible, do you know if there is any imaging application for > Linux? > > I want to create that image to be able to install it with no sighted help, > or on another computer. > > Thank you. > Teddy, > My dear email address is > > > > _________________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Get your free address at > > > > _______________________________________________ > > > > -- Janina Sajka, Director Technology Research and Development Governmental Relations Group American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Email: Phone: (202) 408-8175 Chair, Accessibility SIG Open Electronic Book Forum (OEBF)