Hi All, I've been following the disucssion about inaccessibility of a particular site with interest. I may have missed a few postings, but I think that the amount of effort generated by a single inaccessible site, must indicate that we're looking at the problem from the wrong end. If each site that isn't accessible by Lynx has to be tackled individually, the Lynx/Links community is in danger of disappearing in a cloud of irate correspondence. There must be, somewhere in the open-source community, someone in an accademic institution who could throw the weight of a team of students with final-year projects etc. behind cracking the javascript issue in Lynx, once and for all. The development of Lynx has now more or less stopped (last release in April 2000). Its a long shot, but are there any students on this list who could try to interest their supervisors in throwing some effort in to producing a major upgrade of Lynx (obviously co-ordinated or with the agreement of the current remaining Lynx development community)? Regards, Tim Pennick