Fwd: good news

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Subject: good news
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 22:44:42 +0200
From: seb <sebfrance@ifrance.com>
To: carrefourblinux@yahoogroupes.fr, braillespeak-devel@lists.sourceforge.net

This evening a bielorussian man came to ask me about brlspeak (I am always in
#debian-russian on opn), and in fact talking with him I found out that our
idea of a speech system would be really good since they could not pay for as
many braille displays. This part is still not finished but when r�mi and I
will be back from vacation, we'll probably publish a first release.
He doesn't only know russian blinds but was also in charge of a blind
department in a university in Minsk if my memory is exact, I'm really
glad/proud we can help them.

PS: if you have anything to say, mail me directly I disabled delivery because 
I'll soon leave on vacation, thanks
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